(1) It all started as a child...

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It all started as a child... the yelling, the hitting, the abuse. I didn't have to do anything to get a beating. My father just hated my guts. As time went on, my father eventually stopped hitting me and started acting like a real father. We grew close, as close as this type of relationship could grow. My family got along with other Pack families. Everything was perfect. Perfect until my 16th birthday.

If you have any type of wolf Blood in you, then you shift for the first time on your 16 birthday. All of my older siblings shifted, but I didn't. My family and I waited and waited to see when I would shift, but after a couple of weeks we gave up. We went to the Pack doctor to ask what was wrong and he said that nothing was wrong. I just didn't shift. I was immediately cast as an outsider.

My family and my closet friends wouldn't even look at me. At home, my own mother and father wouldn't talk to me. My uncle started to abuse me mentally... then it turned to physical. I could never move after our 'play' sessions. My family knew about the abuse, but they did nothing about it. Even the Alpha knew about it and he encouraged others to join. Soon enough, everyone abused me somehow someway.

My 16th birthday was 2 years ago today. Today I turn 18. Today is the day, I plan on leaving the pack. I graduated high school so I do not have to worry about finding a school. I might attend a nice college once I leave.

It's currently 3 in the morning. Everyone is asleep. There are less guards roaming the border during the early morning. I packed all my things a couple of days ago so I would be ready at any times notice. I quickly sneak past my siblings doors and my parents. I open the door quietly and shut it quickly once I'm out.

I easily get past border patrol and step into rouge territory. I actually have snuck past border before to have alone time. I made some rouge friends. They didn't care that I didn't shift on my birthday. They see me as me and I am grateful for that.

I told my friends about my plan to escape and they said that they would happily help me. I walk a mile into the rouge territory and find my friends Luke, Logan, McKenzie, and Ryan. "Ready?" Luke asks me.

"Yeah, lets get the hell away from here."

"Come on princess," Luke says. He shifts into his brown wolf and I hop on his back. The others shift too and they take off. McKenzie and Ryan are twins. McKenzie and Logan are Mates.

All of them were born into the rouge life. None of them had a choice in the life that they were born into.... like me.

We make multiple stops so they can catch their breath and rest. By the time it's night fall, we all are hungry and tired. "Let's stop and get something to eat. My treat," I say. They all shift back and get dressed. We find a nice little diner and we order some food.

"Where are we exactly going?" Ryan asks.

"You all are staying here. I'm going to keep going," I say.

"No, we are not leaving you," Luke says.

"We started this thing together, and we are going to finish it together," Logan says.

"We can find a motel to rest a couple of days and then we can get back on the road," McKenzie suggests.

"We don't have the money to do this for a long time. Even with all of our money combined, it won't be enough," Ryan says.

Ryan is known to be the one who says the harsh truth. He says the things that none of us want to hear. McKenzie is the hopeful one. Logan is usually the quiet one, but when he wants to speak his mind, he has something important to say. Luke is the one that has kept everyone together. Luke and I are the closet. He understands what I go through and he's been there through it all. They all have, but Luke knows more about me than I know about myself.

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