(27) Everything is Different

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Sam's POV

I wake up before the boys. Last night was amazing, they were gentle with me and made sure that I was okay. I slip under from their arms and put on one of Blake's shirts. It covers my butt so I decide not to wear underwear.

I'm still extremely tired from the previous day. Not from the love making, but from meeting everyone again. I had no idea who anyone was. I only remember the boys and Avery. But everyone else... I had to relearn things about them.


Kole and Blake took me to the pack house... or that's what they called it anyway. What if they don't like me? I have absolutely no memory besides my name and the boys.

"Everyone! Your Luna is back!" Cheers erupted from the crowd. I felt shocked... nobody would want me as their Luna. I'm just a girl with no memory.

The boys continue talking and I continue to remember something about my past. "It's good to see you!" I turn to see a man in his 40s. He pulls me into a hug and soon everyone else comes too.

I spent almost the entire party learning ones name again. I am freaking out in the insides but I am trying to keep it calm on the outside.

I finally handled enough and I took the boys home.

•flashback over•

My friends have kids. I feel really bad about not letting the boys have a son or daughter. They actually had to watch them grow and become hormonal.

I sigh and turn on the stove. I crack some eggs and roam the fridge for bacon. I finally found some and get that going. I brew some coffee and grab a mug. I sit at the counter and hold the mug in my hands.

"Samantha?" I turn to see two boys by the doorway. I try to remember them but nothing comes to my mind.


"How are you feeling?" The one on the left asks.

I try and study his features. He is a little paler than the other one. He has a little beard and he looks extremely serious. He has green eyes.

"I'm okay, how are you?"

"We're happy that you are alive," the other one says. I stand up and go flip my eggs and bacon. "We want to say that we are sorry for everything we did to you. We should've stopped them."

I look at them confused. I try and think back. Have I meet them before? Well, I would of had to. They are saying sorry for something. My head starts hurting... I rub my temples. "Sam?"

I raise my finger telling them to wait a second. Then it all comes back...

The abuse, the rouges, my mates, Avery, my family, getting kidnapped, preparing... preparing for what? Think harder!... I was preparing for something that would help the world. The battle!

"Samantha?!" By now both boys are by my side trying to get my attention. My head hurts too bad to focus on anything. And spots are starting to feel my vision.

"What's going on?!" I hear someone yell, but that's the last thing I hear before I am completely surrounded by darkness.

Blake's POV

It felt so good to have Samantha in our arms last night. I reach to grab her but I am met with cold air. I sit up quickly and look around trying to find her. Was it all I dream?

I put in some shorts and throw a pillow at Kole. "Wake up," I hiss. "Sam's gone."

He sits up quickly too. "What?" He puts on some sweatpants. I suddenly hear two male voices scream Samantha. I rush down the stairs and see her brothers. "What is going on here?!" I ask.

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