(26) Happy birthday to you...

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Kole's POV

4 months turns into 10 months...

10 months turn into a year and a half....

A year and a half have turned into 3 years....

3 years ago, my beautiful mate was put into a coma. She hasn't moved at all and hasn't shown any sight of improvement. Bellamy is still trying to explain it. He asked us to write a journal of our life's after we met Samantha. He is keeping a medical journal.

Maybe someone in the future will read it and understand what type of hell they are going to go through.

Ethan is 3 now... always smiling and laughing with his uncle. He just found out that he is going to be a big brother. They don't know the gender of the baby and they plan to keep it a surprise.

You can tell that Ethan will be a ladies man when he gets older. He's tried to get McKenzie too many times for Logan's liking.

Ryan found his mate, Maggie. She was initially a rouge until we officially made her apart of the pack. She recently had her first child, April. She looks exactly like Ryan, nose and all.

Samantha's family have been a big help to the pack. Her mother is working with the pups at daycare while her sister is training to be the niece pack doctor. Her brothers are 2 of my best warriors beside Luke, Ryan, logan, Grey, and hunter.

Blake and I have gotten 'better'. We still visit Sam everyday and tell her about everything. She gained some color in her face, but Bellamy doesn't think she will wake up anytime soon.

All of her belongs have lost her scent. It was like she was here... but not here at the same time. Her clothes are neatly hanged in the closet waiting for her when she wakes up.

She is waking up. She has to.

Avery is 7 now. She joined school a couple of years ago and has made tons of friends. She says she evens has a boyfriend. Boyfriend my ass. Nobody is going near my baby sister.

After we had a nice talk, we agreed that I could take away his toys if he hurt her.

Avery remembers Sam more than I thought she would. She comes to visit her sometimes along with my parents.

The pack is stronger than ever. Without Sam, Blake and I's personality's have changed. We are more meaner and harsher when we need to be. But we still show our pack what it feels like to be loved.

Today is Sam's birthday. She would be 22. Everyone is gathered outside for a big barbecue. Dads on the grill and mom is playing with the pups. Blake and I are talking and joking around with everyone. This is the one day where I force myself to be happy... for her.

Alphas! Bellamy links Blake and I.

What's wrong? Blake asks.

He takes a couple of seconds to reply. It's Sam. She waking up. She is starting to move her fingers.

With those words I run towards the infirmary. The members we pass look at us with curiosity. We burst through the doors and into Sam's room. Bellamy is checking the wires on her head and I can see her fingers slightly move.

"Baby girl?" I ask.

I walk towards her and Bellamy gives us some space. "Princess?" Blake asks. "It's us. We're here. It's time for you to open those pretty eyes of yours."

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