Chapter Three

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Lunch At The Popular Table
Chapter Three
Elijah P.O.V

The bell rings signifying that it was time to head to lunch, everyone gets up, bringing their belongings with them, since we would not be returning this classroom after our poorly made school meal that was awful and cheap since the school wanted to save money, the principal is a greedy bastard, he should be fired but for some reason the school has kept him here, I really want to go to the board about it because the school food could be so much better.

I walk out, not wanting to be in this class any longer, pushing past people who I knew were on a lower caste of the school branches, probably nerds or losers, but I pushed passed them all, not caring who they were, they were obviously underneath me. My friends swarm around me after seeing me in the hallway and we begin to walk towards the cafeteria. I was smiling at my friends, but the smile simply didn't reach my eyes, something was bothering me but I didn't know what.

I'd figure it out . . . eventually.

Once inside the cafeteria we walk over to our tables instantly, a couple of our follows go to get us food instantly, knowing what we wanted to eat, I myself wasn't very hungry but I'd eat because if I didn't I'd be hungry all newspaper club. I sit at the head of the table, people filling in the seats, desperate to sit at the popular table.

I smirked on the inside at how much people tripped over themselves to simply sit in our, my, presence. It was a good feeling, I was so used to it.

Maybe I was too used to it . . . nah, it simply a part of life at this point.

I daze off into space my gaze surprisingly going to one of the window seats, where there are circle windows with seats in the wall. People didn't like to sit in those seats because Minria, another one of the popular girls deemed it uncool, though if I sat there what that girl said would go away because I was so much more popular and rich than she was.

But the seat wasn't what was important. It was who was sitting in it.


For as long as I remember Watson had been a quiet kid, not making friends and just being there, the kind of kid you could never remember being there.

He was sitting in the middle circle window seat, his legs pulled up to his chest, no food near him, his head laid on his legs looking out the window. He looked so lonely, no one sat near him, no one wanted to sit next to the loner, who was deemed a loner because of groups of kids, my group. I personally saw nothing wrong with the kid, other then he wasn't very open about himself to anyone.

"Elijah?" Becca snapped me out of my gaze and I turned to her, with questioning eyes, hiding everything from her with my eyes.

She didn't need to know anything. Not now anyway. I knew she wasn't a fan of bullying, she absolutely despised it, mainly because her sister when she was alive, had been bullied and in the end, killed herself, it was a rough topic for Becca because she loved her sister, and to lose her, it hurt her deeply. This may be why we sheltered her from a majority of the bullying that was around but as far as I knew bullying rarely happened, but I may be wrong, but it's not like I go searching for the people being bullied.

I shake my head at her, a fake smile appearing on my face that said I would tell her later.

She seemed to understand and my gaze drifted back to Watson, who was leaning his head against the glass, and I could still see the cuts, but they weren't alone, bruises covered his arms but I don't think that Watson bruised himself, he didn't seem like the person, not that I knew what he was like but it was an assumption.

I remove my gaze from Watson and begin to eat, my mind slightly wondering why Watson doesn't eat during this period like the majority of everyone else. He was extremely skinny, anyone could see that he was thinner than all the other kids in the school, even the skinny girls.

I looked up to see Paige sitting down across from me, a sweet smile on her face as she grinned at me nicely. She was too good for me but being me, I didn't think anything wasn't worth my attention. She was wearing a yellow dress with pink and purple polka dots covering her dress giving her an even more childish look. She had a braid from the very top of her head going all the way down until it reached her lower back, which was how long her hair was.

She was the prettiest girl in the whole school, none of the other girls compare to her.

I looked back up to see Watson is gone, which surprised me, but I couldn't really tell you why it surprised me, I didn't care about Watson, he wasn't my business, he didn't matter in the end.

His life and my life weren't aligned, and they never would be aligned, he was nothing, and I was important.

He wasn't.

I hear the overhead bell ring and we all get up to leave, our followers grabbing our trays for us and taking them away. I loved this, the way I don't have to do anything at all, and my peers automatically take my tray away for me, it was like they were at our command, wait I knew they were.

I walked out of the cafeteria with my arm around Paige's waist, a smile on our faces as people waved at us, smiled at us. We were treated like royalty, she was my queen, and I was the king. It felt powerful.

Mainly because I was powerful, I had rich parents, popular at school, and I had everything I've ever wanted.

As we walk towards our class I see my sister, in her glory, talking to the music teacher whose name I can't remember mainly because I never took music as a class because to me it simply wasn't a curriculum I needed to attend.

I attended creative writing instead, it was simply how it was supposed to go, the world seemed to be on balance.

Or . . . so I thought.

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