Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Watson P.O.V

I stare down at the note that had been left by who knows because there isn't a name on it but I have a feeling that it is Elijah. Since I left him a note the previous day and that the nurse's office is most definitely where I left the book by accident. I hugged my book closer to my chest, happy that I had it back. I flipped through it very slowly, seeing the difference between the old pages, pages written in ink that has since worn away to the more current stuff, seeing my more readable handwriting the closer to the end of the book. The note had been slipped in towards the front, so I hope that Elijah, who I think left the note, didn't end up reading towards the end of the book.

This book was very private to me, so I hope he didn't read it--or let anyone else read it.

I packed the rest of my belongings up, glancing down at the note that was still between my fingers. Should I text him? I mean if he hadn't read the book and simply returned it, he had gone out of his way to give the book back . . . I don't know. Why would he even want to talk to me? What point is it? He has a bunch of popular friends who need me, a lone cello player in the school's music program.

I rushed out of the currently empty classroom and rushed to where I needed to be next.


The final bell rang overhead. A sigh of relief was what came out of my mouth at the sound of the loud, ringing bell. I waited a couple of moments allowing a large majority of my classmates to get up and leave before I decided to do so. I had to stop by the music classroom since I had promised to tutor Evelyn after school today. Mrs. Nadia had set it up after getting approval on both sides. I think that tutoring Evelyn is going to be a lot of fun, considering that it will get me away from home just a little bit longer than usual. I walked down the school hallway, listening to the faint sound of chatter, as almost everyone had already left the school building not wanting to be late to their buses or to simply to get out this school. I would have if I didn't have a drunk father to greet me at home. I was kind of hoping that by the time that I get home my father will either be asleep or unconscious whether or not his addiction was the cause or otherwise. I mentally wish I was able to just say that my father was asleep, not unconscious. You can't call my father passing out on the floor him sleeping peacefully can you . . . I don't think you can anyway, I don't. No, my father almost always passed out on the floor somewhere in our cluttered and messy house. It was almost worthless to even attempt to clean the house anymore. No one but me and my father ever went inside. It wasn't like we had a guest to entertain. Even if I did attempt to tidy the room my father in his drunken rage would most definitely destroy it all by the end of it.

He always wreaked the house after he got drunk beyond reason.

I sighed as I thought about my father. To think my father wasn't always this bad but he certainly isn't the man he used to be. He certainly isn't a man that I should have to consider as my father. No one should have to deal with a man like my dad. I wish I didn't have to deal with my father either but I can't just leave him . . . He is the only family that I have left. I don't want to end up in some stupid foster home, granted it would probably be a whole lot better than the abuse I'm having to deal with currently. It would probably be better than my dad.

I walked further towards the music classroom and smiled when I saw Mrs. Nania standing outside the door, talking to another student who was holding a smaller sized case, a clarinet case to be exact. I wasn't exactly fond of Mrs. Nania's woodwind class since she teaches the classes in groups based on instrument type. You can sign up for a whole concert band but it wasn't as fun. You wouldn't get nearly as much one on one time as you do in your section band. I preferred string band almost completely over the whole section band.

I walked through the door after waving at Mrs. Nania, who smiled and waved back at me. I know, you must be wondering why Mrs. Nania isn't tutoring Evelyn herself. It's simple. After school, Mrs. Nania isn't even at school. She has to go to the local college and prepare their band for there next marching season. Marching season maybe as far away as even possible but my local college never seemed to be ready enough, no matter how early in the school year that they start. I've seen them play and perform and I knew the moment that they started their show and I saw it for the first time that marching band simply wasn't for me. I wasn't someone who found marching across a field with an instrument or a flag as something that was fun.

I smiled and said hello to Evelyn who looked very excited as I pulled my cello off of the wall and walked over to Evelyn smiling and mentioned how happy I was to be able to help her growth in the music world. She seemed to like that.

While I was teaching her, I quickly forgot all about the horrible home life that I had. I forgot about my father for a moment while playing my cello in sync with Evelyn's violin.

It was peaceful. It truly was. 

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