Chapter Sixteen

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Watson P.O.V

"Hey! Stop!"I could hear someone yell down the hallway, and I looked up to see Evelyn standing there, looking at the scene with anger on her face, her brother following shortly behind her. They were looking at the entire scene as if they were shocked, maybe they've never been bullied before, or that they've never truly witnessed bullying before.

"Get away from him you bully!" Evelyn screamed, causing everyone's eyes to dart over to her, looking at her as if the story, the situation, just got some much more interesting. The sound of Evelyn's heals stomping against the ground as she rushed down the hallway and pushed the bully, pushing Keith back with a strong shove. I scooted back, away from Keith, pushing myself into a sitting position. Evelyn looked at me, sympathy filling her gaze before she turned back to Keith with a strong glare.

Elijah looked at his sister, who was standing like a guard in front of me sitting on the floor. Elijah dropped onto his knees.

"You okay?" Elijah asked quietly, not wanting to draw Keith's attention. I nod my head, wincing slightly as my back was pressed further into a locker, which I had used to prompt myself up. I understood why he was quiet, his sister's yelling must have yelled loud enough to gain attention because a set of teachers joined us in the hallway. It took the teachers a couple of seconds to comprehend the situation before one of the two groans.

"Again Mr. Johnson, I thought the last time you were suspended would have been enough encouragement for you to stop harassing the other students, sadly, that doesn't seem to be the case," Mr. Stewart said, sighing. "Come with us to the office Mr. Johnson."

Keith sent a glare towards me and then at Evelyn before he huffed and grumpily followed behind the two teachers who looked like they were so used to this kind of behavior. I'd imagine the entire school was used to his behavior, they just never spoke up about it.

Evelyn continued to glare down the hallway until Keith was completely out of sight. She seemed proud of herself but in a way I wish she didn't do anything, this was most definitely going to go bad for her. I get that she is popular in the school, but the moment that Keith's punishment is over then he's going to get his revenge, it's either going to be me getting hurt or her, and I prefer it being me, I'm used to it at this point by now. She isn't. She doesn't know what she's just done.

Evelyn got down on her knees like her brother, except on the other side. It was odd, to me. I wasn't used to having someone be there, someone to trust, someone that would help me back onto my feet and to be honest, I'm not entirely sure I can trust these two either. I don't think Evelyn is an issue, me and her could become the best of friends. It's her brother I'm worried about. He runs in the crowd that attempts to make my life miserable. I know it isn't necessarily him that is doing it but . . . He could easily be manipulated to do something by them, by his friends. I mean, at the end of the day, most people are going to go to their friends, not some kid who you just started to talk to. It's simply how things have always worked and I think that's how this is going to go to.

"God what an a-hole!" Evelyn says, looking down the hallway that was now empty with disgust. She turns to me.

"Is he always like that to you?" She said looking concerned. "Every single thing he did was uncalled for, you did nothing to deserve that treatment," Evelyn said looking at her brother and me.

"I'm used to it," I say waving my hands around, trying to make her see that I want her to drop the conversation. I wasn't used to talking about my bullying, maybe because before today, I didn't really have anyone who was truly willing to listen. It wasn't something I was used to, it wasn't something that I would be open to just because someone was willing to listen. My bullying situation wasn't something I needed to explain to everyone. I know Evelyn might not know the situation, but based on the guilty look on her brothers face, a look he was trying to hide, he knew all to well about the bullying and him did exactly what everyone else did ignored it.

"Well you shouldn't be," Evelyn said as she got up off of the floor. She held her hand out for me to grab which I took. A small pain echoed in my back from where Keith stepped on me like a foot mat. It is ridiculous how far Keith would go to bully me. Why me? Who knows anymore. Once upon a time, I could probably come up with a valid reason for it all but at this point? No. I couldn't tell you why Keith bullied me. Or why everyone else in the school seems to hate me to the core of my being.

I shrug my shoulders at that though. I know I shouldn't be used to it but it isn't like I can suddenly just get un-used to the bullying, to the hate. In fact, it's easier for me to be used to it instead of me being hurt every time it happened.

"Come on, let's get to class before we are later than we already are," Evelyn said, and we waited for Elijah to stand up before we all went in our own directions. I sighed as I watched both Elijah and Evelyn disappear before I headed to my own class, thinking about the scolding I was going to get from my teacher, who doesn't like me in any way.

I felt kind of bad though, I might get Evelyn and Elijah in trouble.

At least I'm already expecting to get in trouble, are they?

This isn't great but I not only had a headache all day but I didn't even want to type it so, you guys are lucky. 

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