Chapter Seventeen

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Father, Oh Father

Chapter Seventeen

Watson P.O.V

As I had expected, I did get into some trouble with my teacher, but they had just told me to never do it again. I highly doubt that I'll ever find myself being late to class like that for a while. I was honestly surprised the teachers did anything about Keith but I know it isn't finished there. Keith is the kind of guy who seeks revenge. I know I'm not out of the woods yet. It couldn't be that easy. I know it isn't.

Thinking about it now, I should have thanked Elijah while I was with him. Oh well, I'll find some other time to thank him for returning my book to me. I didn't want to text him a thank you. Yes, I have a phone. It's a cheap fifty dollar phone I bought from Walmart. I had practically had to beg my father for him to put it on his plan. I'm not allowed to use it very often since it costs more the more I use it. We don't have unlimited data, talk, or text. It's all limited. I personally think we could upgrade for a little more a month and it would be fine. I usually leave my phone at home though. There isn't much point in taking it to school with me when my bullies are only going to shatter the screen. I don't have anyone to talk to via phone wise so taking it to school is worthless.

The final bell rang overhead, causing a sigh to leave me. Dad didn't bring a woman home last night but I'm almost certain that he was going to bring a woman home tonight without a doubt. I most definitely wasn't looking forward to going home to that mess. It was way, way too stressful.

It would be nice if I didn't have to cook dinner but I knew I would anyway.

I walk out of my class and into the hallway where everyone was rushing about. Everyone wanted to go home and I can't help but say I don't really want to go home. The school was awful but then again, so was home.

I walked over to my locker and put my school stuff inside the metal box.


I look away from my locker to see Elijah leaning against the locker next to mine. I glance through the hallway to see it almost completely empty. I look back at Elijah before giving him a weak smile and muttering hello back.

"Oh, thank you for returning my book, it means a lot." I said quietly.

Elijah's smile just widens at my statement. He shrugs his shoulders slightly.

"It's nothing. I wouldn't have use of a book that isn't mine," Elijah admitted to me. I had to agree though. I don't think Elijah would have much use of my book, other than to blackmail me with it or it's content. He was much nicer than some of the kids in this school. They would have bullied me with the book, instead, Elijah gave it back. I highly doubt that I'm ever going to bring the book to school with me again. Bring it to school would only risk me losing it again and I don't want that to happen. I know if I lost it again that it wouldn't be Elijah that found it. It would be someone who hates me.

"Thanks regardless," I said back. I truly meant it. What he did truly made an impact on my opinion on him. No, I wasn't going to become his best friend over this but I wouldn't think so badly of him as I have done in the past. It's hard not to when he hangs with the crowd of kids who hate my guts and see me as underneath them.

Elijah nodded before turning away from me and started to walk away saying to text him sometime. I smiled at that before I continued to put my belongs away and walking out the opposite exit as the side one was closer to where I walked home. That, and I didn't want to look like I was following him. I knew Elijah's family had money, I'm pretty sure he gets picked up in a really nice car and I if he does, I don't want to be that one kid who stares at it with an open mouth in shock. My family probably couldn't afford the doorknob into Elijah's house.

I quickly walk home because as much as I hated being home, the streets weren't the best place to get caught. I didn't want to bump into Keith. I wouldn't have anybody even remotely willing to have my back and I didn't want to have to stay home another day. I'm pretty sure the school is close to calling home to arrange a meeting with my father over my absences. I couldn't have that. My father would kill me if he had to go into the school over me and missing school because what could he say? He was usually the reason I missed school. It wasn't illness or me not wanting to go. It was when he hits me. I shake my head. It's just a more determination to not miss school and to tough it out. I couldn't let the situation get worse. I just have to avoid him. Or attempt to avoid him more than I already was.

The moment I got home I could see my father pacing in the living room, dressed in a semi-nice outfit.

His head snapped up when I walked in and his happy expression disappeared. Glad to know he wasn't happy about me coming home.

He came up to me and grabbed my face roughly. It had startled and surprised me. What had I done this time? I couldn't imagine me coming home would offend him.

"You are going to cook a good meal, I have a date coming here in two hours. This house needs to be spotless!" My father shouted at me.

I had to protest. I had some homework tonight, I had stuffed it in my pocket.

"B-but I have homew-"

I received a harsh smack that sent me to the floor. I wince at the pain that suddenly erupted from the area.

"Don't talk back to me!" My father yelled at me. "Just get it done!!" He said walking upstairs to his bedroom and slamming the door behind him. I sigh as I walk into the kitchen and begin to do what my father asked even though, in the back of my mind, I felt like rebelling.

I knew better though. 

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