Chapter Nine

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Watson P.O.V

It was blinding, like seriously blinding. The lights above were definitely LED and they were working like a charm. The lights informed me I wasn't home, dad was too cheap to purchase the good bulbs though he constantly complains about the current ones we have. I knew I was somewhere in the school but I couldn't force myself to turn my head, it was as if I was stuck looking at the bland ceiling and LED light.

Another thing that took me a moment to realize was that my arms were wrapped up a whole lot tighter than they had been before, like almost painfully tight. It was irritating and I really wanted to just pull the wrappings off so I wouldn't have to feel the pain and rubbing of the wrapping that was used any longer.

It took a few moments before I was able to move my head to see where I was, and it took less than five seconds to reconize the nurses office. I should have reconized it by the smell but my nose was apparently deciding to take a day off from work without telling it's boss.

I let out a sweet and short yawn, and finally got enough energy to push myself up and at least attempt to see what time it was, was when I noticed Elijah. He was sitting in one of the most uncomfortable chairs, which was the ones that were seated for people waiting to see the nurse after the person before them but he didn't look in need of medical assistance.

Looking back down at my arms I easily put two and two together. I think Elijah brought me here after seeing my arms bleeding which was really sweet but he didn't have to worry about me, nobody else does.

Looking at the wall clock, it was six o'clock. A shot of fear ran down my spine upon remembering that dad gets off o work at four and I jumped off the bed quietly as to not disturb Elijah who was currently a knight in my eyes. He shouldn't have had to worry about me though, so I felt really bad.

Walking over to the desk that was empty and everything shut off, I grabbed a light pink sticky note and a blue sharpie and wrote him a little note, pasting it on his knee, and it turns out he is a very heavy sleeper because his breathing didn't even change at the contact.

"Thank's Elijah," I whisper before letting out a small giggle making my entire face flush, I grab my bag in a rush to get out of the room, the school in general, and get home and hopefully dad will be too drunk to notice.

I rush out of the nurse's office, glad that the building was empty as can be, glad that nobody will be able to see me. I was so stupid for allowing myself to pass out during class and revealing the small cuts from the glass on my arm. I bet you anything that Elijah was disgusted thinking that they are cutting marks. I have those too sure, but this time these marks aren't made from me wanting to harm myself. These were given unwillingly. I hadn't wanted to clean up small glass shards. Of course, silly me didn't use gloves or anything. I have no doubt that if I had cleaned the glass up with gloves my father's never-ending anger would most definitely reappear from within him. The anger never seemed to go away when it concerned me and my father. I knew that my father didn't see me like a son anymore. No, I was a punching bag. Something he was allowed to abuse when no one was looking. It wasn't like anybody would look. No one cared about me. The little gesture from Elijah was no doubt a gesture of pity. After taking me to the nurse for 'cutting' I have no doubt that a rumor about that will spread and I'll get critizied about even mroe than usual. I didn't need that in my life. I didn't need any of the stuff that was given to me in my life as unfortunate as my situation always seemed to be. 

I walked down the school's hallway, glancing at everything in a new light. The school looked different when no one was in it. Well, no one but me and Elijah but Elijah was out cold and I don't think he'd want to see me any time soon so I was just going to leave him asleep. No doubt he has a driver that can get him. I don't think he will have any issue be able to get home. I wish it would be walking for me, something that I have gotten used to at this point. I don't need a car or a bus to take me home. I have never needed a bus to take me to school. Back in elementary school, it had costed a yearly fee that my father had refused to pay making little eight-year-old my walk to and from school. I hadn't understood that my father was simply a cheap bastard at the time. I had been used to walking to and from places since my father never took me anywhere himself. I had to walk. It hadn't appeared unusual to me. To others sure. It could have been the weirdest thing in the world to them because my god exercise is so 2016. Kids in my grade couldn't comprehend the idea of having to walk to school because they have gotten so spoilt that they couldn't walk halfway. 

I pass by the lockers in the hallway before I eventually make it to the doors of the school. The sunset passing through the doors that were no doubt locked from the outside. I sigh as I make my over to the door before pushing them open and walking out of that certain hell only to head to another. 

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