Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N: lol

Watson P.O.V

Do you know those moments that you get so lost in your thoughts that you tune everything that is happening in the real world out? Those moments are seemingly happening to me a lot recently. Maybe it was because of everything happening at the same time because things were changing for the first time in forever.

Instead of being bystanders, for the first time, someone has stood up for me while I was being picked on. Someone was showing some genuine concern for the first time in my life, and it felt nice. It was nice to know that someone cared if I came to school with a black eye; too many people in this school were willing to overlook it like it was nothing to be concerned about. The care and concern that Evelyn displayed at the sight of my bruise this morning really surprised me. Most people saw it and thought nothing of it.

As nice as the concern was, it wouldn't last. I'd have to start hiding the bruises. If Evelyn was going to looking out for injuries or start questioning them, things could go wrong real fast. Sure, the bullying was an okay-excuse for a handful of the wounds I've worn to school, but most of them came from my father. If Evelyn actually managed to do something about the bullying, and I continued to come to school hurt, someone would have all the puzzle pieces to solve my biggest secret. That I have an abusive father waiting for me at home, that I'm bullied by those in my school for being who I am, that no one cared about the weak, little gay boy.

I'd figure it out later; it wasn't as if the bullying would just suddenly, out of nowhere, stop. The school wasn't going to do anything, and even if they did, it would probably result in detention or a short suspension, nothing severe, only something that would p*ss my bullies off.

It was all almost too much to think about, and it was honestly the last thing I wanted to be thinking about right now. Why couldn't my life had been a normal one? One without an abusive drunken father. Without the bullies. Might as well add a few friends into the mix while I'm at it. It isn't like I was going to have a life without bullies or my dad. The kids in my school didn't even want to talk to me, let alone be my friends, so I can mark the friend's thing off my wish-list as something that will never happen.

I probably should have chosen the one time I was in a hallway that I rarely wandered to be paying active attention to what was happening around me. I really should have predicted the chances of someone following me, especially considering this guy's track record.

Big hands roughly pushed against my shoulders, the force strong enough to send me flying face-first towards the ground. I was lucky that I managed to prevent my face from greeting the ground. I moved to stand back up but stopped when a rough kick was sent into my stomach, a gasp of shock escaping. I had foolishly thought for a single moment that I had been bumped into by accident.

Keith was most definitely not someone that would bump into me on accident. Keith wasn't someone I wanted to bump into in general.

There he stood, looking down at me with a twisted smirk that only his mother could love. The look in his eyes sent chills down my spine. I hated that he was looking at me like I was trash to be thrown away like I was a bug to be stepped on.

"Oops," He tilted his head to the side, mocking me almost. I stared back at him with pure hate, wishing he'd figure out that what he was doing was wrong on so many levels. It probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, glaring at your bully. Considering that Keith was most definitely here to beat me into a pulp, I probably shouldn't be glaring at him. It wouldn't change anything anyway. He was going to hurt me regardless of if I glared at him or smiled. Nothing I did was going to change anything. "My bad," Sure it is.

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