Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight
Takes One To Know One
Watson P.O.V

You think that after sharing I majority of my life with my peers, that someone would notice that the bruises I received weren't from school. It really makes you question there intelligence. How stupid must they be to not notice something this important.

Child abuse, even if it isn't physical is scarring. Sure, if you aren't looking for the signs then its easy to ignore. Are my signs of Child abuse that hard to see? Sure I'm bullied at school but not even my bullies take it as far and beaten as I look right now.

And I was sure getting some looks now. Let me describe to you the stares I was getting. Most of them had not a hint of remorse in fact, some look satisfied to see the bullied gay boy to be as beaten as I currently was. Well, shame on them because I am truly in quite a bit of pain. Not only did I look pitifully beaten, I had cuts all over my hands and arms, except these were not intentional. I hadn't asked for these cuts and yet they existed. All because of the rage my father built up until he couldn't take it any longer.

What puzzled me though, is how these idiots seem to think that one of the bullies, most likely Keith, had done this to me. Sure they liked to hit and kick, and threaten, but they typically tried to avoid spilling blood, maybe they thought they'd get 'THE GAY' from blood contact to skin. Which isn't how it works at all but it doesn't matter, once a homophobic also a homophobic. Or well, that's how the tune goes in my head.

I did my normal school routine, grab my stuff, remove awful notes of my peers wishing for me to end my life to makes theirs better, and went to class. English looked bare as could be today, probably because nobody wanted to be here, all wanting to escape and get as far away from the building as possible, not wanting to go through a entire day of the same old crap. Trust me, I agree with them, but when home is the way it is, you don't want to be there either. Neither place, home or school is safe and you have no other place you can go.

I have no other place to hide.

I sit in my usual seat, not even bothering to keep my head up, to tired from the stitching I had done this morning and the fact that some of them obviously hadn't been done right, since I could feel a few of them bleeding but thankful I had worn a hoodie and could hide it until the class ended so I could either go to the nurse or clean it myself. Yeah, myself sound less safe but I don't trust the nurse, she'd put down a report and all the other stuff and people might get involved. I don't want to get a beating for snitching when I didn't.

I didnt't listen for anything and unknowingly, I fell asleep with tiny drops of blood seeping through my hoodie and onto the desk.

Elijah P.O.V

My entire morning had gone as it always did, sister waking me up, getting dressed, eating a small piece of toast, going to school in the family Audi, going to class, and thats where my schedule for my regularly scheduled bullshit was thrown out of key.

I walked into English with a smile on my face, seeing everyone in there place, well sort of. Watson had sat three seats to the left than usual sitting directly next to where I usually did, which bothered me slightly but it looked to be completely by coincidence so I just ignored him and sat in my normal seat, getting some weird looks from my peers as they were confused as to why the popular kid was sitting next the gay loser. I honestly didn't know the answer so I ignored them and just smiled.

I waited until the bell ringed, expecting Watson to lift his head up but he didn't and that seemed odd. Sure he was bullied but he never seemed to let it affect his learning. As far as I knew, he was one of the top students of the school, not a failing kid like Keith was, he was borderline about to be kicked out and he was to ignorant to notice that.

Ten minutes into learning and Watson still hadn't lifted his head so I deemed him asleep and decided to make notes for him, because why not? I didn't want his good grades to go down because of him most likely not getting enough sleep the previous night.

So I took two sets of notes the entire class period and when the bell rang, I expected the loud noise to awaken Watson, but it didn't and once everyone piled out, I gently nudged him in the shoulder and nothing changed. I knew our English teacher didn't have another class until fourth period so I knew no one was going to walk into the room expecting a lesson on English so I got out of my seat and stepped closer to Watson's desk before I noticed the small puddle of blood forming near his arms making my heart stop and my throughts begin to race as multiple possiblities flashed through my mind.

Was the blood a affect from the cutting I knew he did? Or had something else happen? Was he okay? Well, probably not considering the fact that he's bleeding and unconscious so I'm rather sure he's not okay. Taking a deep breath, I pull Watson out of his desk gently, not caring if I got any blood on my clothes and jumped with the bell rang again. I pull Watson against my body in a bridal fashion and rushed out of the English classroom and directly towards the nurse, hoping he could help Watson.

*Shitty and rushed, sorry*

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