Chapter Thirteen

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Watson P.O.V

After the woman left, I wasn't able to go back to sleep. The words the woman said left an imprint in my mind. Is that what my fathers one night stands thought when I was occasionally seen? I hope not . . . I mean, can they not see the resemblance? I know me and my father aren't identical twins by any means but I knew in some ways it was rather obvious that he was my father and I was his son. His offspring.

I had tossed and turned after that, it didn't help that I could hear my father slamming bottles of beer around. I don't think he liked being called homosexual by a woman and then being accused of incest. It's not every day that someone, especially a woman you just had sex with says something like the woman who he had brought home had. She seemed to be the kind that was around simply to start some bull crap drama.

I managed to escape the house without bumping into my father, I'm almost completely sure that he's passed out somewhere in the house and at the moment I couldn't care where he is at the moment, I'm too tired too. He should be worrying about me, not the other way around. I'm wasting my life constantly worrying about a father who clearly doesn't worry about me in return. Ungrateful is what he is. I think he's always been ungrateful for the small things I'd do to ensure that his punk *ss stayed alive.

I walked towards my school with bags underneath my eyes and faint bruises covering almost everywhere from previous nights with a drunken father. My arms were sore but I made sure to wrap them properly this morning before leaving, wanting to avoid having another situation like yesterday. My backpack was hanging loosely on my shoulder, one of the straps having been broken for quite a bit of time. I was used to having a broken backpack, I was simply waiting for the day the remaining strap breaks, that's when I'll get a new backpack. At the moment I don't see the issue with having a half-broken backpack when it still serves for it's intended purpose.

I had failed to get to school early so there were a bunch of people roaming around already, the loud chatter filling my ears, laughter, and happiness, which is sad for a school. There shouldn't be an ounce of happiness in a place like this. I have never felt an ounce of happiness upon entering school. Maybe it's because I don't really have anything to be happy about. I don't have friends to rush to because who wants to be friends with a loner like me? I'm a loner because no one will talk to me, automatically assuming me to be someone who shouldn't have friends in their lives.

I groan as I tried to make myself seem invisible so that my peers wouldn't notice me and would leave me alone. I didn't need one of them to pick on me today, I'm simply not in the mood for it at the moment. It's even worse when its one of my female peers who simply pick on me to boost there own self-confidence, make them feel better about there own insecurities. Like I don't have enough to deal with.

I hurried to my locker, simply to get rid of my backpack since we aren't allowed to carry them into class, I think it's because we potentially might be carrying a concealed weapon. I wouldn't do something like that and it isn't like I have access to a storage locker of weapons there for my convenience. Like I need a convenience like that in my life, which I clearly don't.

I frown when I see people surrounding the areas around my locker. I could tell they weren't doing it to harm me or ruin my locker but they were coincidentally in the way. I forced myself to walk around the ground to see if I could find a gap in my peers without appearing to look weird but that, unfortunately, failed me. I had to push one of my peers gently out of the way begging some of my peers to move. Some of them looked like they would have been willing to move out of the way but when they noticed who was asking for them to move they simply ignored me.

I sighed as the two-minute bell rang overhead and watched as the kids who were rudely standing in front of my locker look up and depart, heading towards their classes saying sweet sounding goodbyes to each other. I knew I was going to be late so why rush now? I unlock my locker and take the things out of my backpack before pausing when I notice that my book was missing. That book was full of random drawings and a few of my most private thoughts. When could I have misplaced it? Where could I have forgotten it? I hurry to stuff everything else inside of my small locker slamming the metal door behind me. I rush towards my first period regardless of knowing that I was already late to class anyway. It wouldn't matter if I made it on time now or not, I'd still get a tardy mark on my record.

I sit down after receiving the tiny piece of paper from my teacher who was scolding me without taking note for how tired I am or the slight noticeability of bruises on my person. I hated the teachers who refused to notice anything wrong even though clearly there is something wrong.

Instead of focusing on the teacher's lesson, I decided to instead spend my time napping since I clearly got very little sleep the previous night due to that woman.

I woke up at the exact moment the bell for the class rang overhead. It took a couple of seconds for me to regain my thoughts I looked up and glanced around the room, seeing that everyone was gone and the teacher was sitting at their desk paying me no mind.

I get up and grab my belongs before noticing that the book, my book, was sitting on my desk like I never wondered where it was this morning. I grab the book and flip through it quickly, seeing that everything is still intact before I flip back to the first page. A small slip of neatly cut paper was sitting there. I grab the small note and open it to see very neat handwriting. 

~Here's your book, you kind of left it in a rush! Let's talk sometimes, here's my number!

xxx-xxx-xxxx text me somtime K?

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