Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Watson P.O.V

After thinking hard about texting Elijah, bouncing back and forth between yes and no, I decided I would sleep on it. I knew my father wouldn't be bothering me for the rest of the night. I felt slightly safer than usual knowing that. I knew not to get used to the feeling though. My father would go back to his old ways. It was simply a matter of waiting for his date to leave.

I locked my door like I usually would though. You never know. With my father being the drinker he was, I wouldn't put it past him for his date to leave and the first thing he does after is grab a beer. It sounded exactly like what my father would do.

I slept well though. I didn't wake up to the sound of bottles being slammed onto the floor or my father banging his fist on my door in an attempt to break into my room. I slept through the entire night, not a single disturbance to be reported. It almost scared me how calm the house was when I woke up. It was a serious first, I haven't been this quiet for a long, long time.

I carefully, and hesitantly slid out of bed, careful to create as little noise as possible. I didn't know if my father was awake or not, and if he wasn't, I didn't want to wake him up. Unlocking my door and cracking it open slightly, I was happy to see the hallway empty, no drunken father insight. Walking down the stairs, I was happy to see all my hard cleaning work hadn't gone down the shitter. Everything was almost as perfect as I left it, aside from a few things have been moved slightly.

I walked quietly into the living room to make sure my father wasn't laying unconscious on the couch like I have caught him doing before. He wasn't. I was generally shocked. Not only had the house not been trashed, but my father wasn't being his typical self.

Checking the time, I quickly, but quietly, rush back up the stairs in order to get ready on time for school. I had slept in by maybe two minutes that those two minutes extended into ten with me being cautious and checking around the house. After dressing as quickly as I could, I grabbed my stuff and left the house, making sure to lock the door behind me. Who knows when my father will wake up. The last thing we need is a crazed wattpad fan coming and murdering my father before author-chan has a chance to do it naturally.

Speed walking to school has always been something I've been desperate to do. Not. I felt stressed because I needed to make it to school before the bells and I hated being late. I was actually kind of excited for the first period though. I have first with Elijah. I hope he isn't upset that I didn't text him last night.

Even if I did, what would I text? I'd probably just send 'hey' like any other normal person or I would completely and utterly overthink the entire thing and accidentally confess one of my biggest secrets. That is the last thing I need. Although I'm pretty sure Elijah isn't a bad guy, his crowd is. I don't need them reading my deepest secret over Elijah's shoulders. I wouldn't even send my deepest secret though so I don't know why I'm thinking about that scenario.

I made it to school before the bell, thankfully and rushed to class. I didn't need anything but what I already had so I was ready to start the day. Rushing into the classroom I shared with Elijah, I go straight to the back, sitting in my seat. One of the preppy students laughed at me, attempting to trip me as I rushed back to my seat. I have gotten so used to their tripping attempts that I have learned to subconsciously dodge the stuck out feet. I don't know why they think tripping someone is a good idea. What if I banged my head on one of the desks and that results in a permanent brain issue? I don't think they think about that stuff when they are giggling over whether or not I'm going to fall because their vans are sticking out into the aisle.

When Elijah entered the class, his girlfriend followed behind him, taking advantage of the few minutes before class. I never liked Paige. Maybe it was because she was dating the guy I could only dream of dating. Maybe it was that she was extremely stuck up. Maybe it's a mix of both. I just didn't like her. I looked down when they both entered the room, ignoring the faint feeling of eyes on me. I watched with my head lowered as the two of them walked to the ever-growing group of preps. Some of the girls had their hair in an extremely messy bun, wearing their boyfriend's shirts, that were clearly two sizes too big. I don't know if they think it's cute or what, but it really isn't.

I ignore the group, the feeling of me and Elijah belonging to two different worlds becoming more and more apparent. How would a friendship between me and him even work? I know his friends would never accept me into their group, not that I'd ever willing to join. They would hate me even more for hanging out with Elijah. I can already imagine the things people would gossip about. I'm not even sure if that is why he wants to text me. Maybe he wants my number to give it out to the whole school.

Maybe, just maybe, he just wants to be friends?

If only. Ignoring the loud laughter coming from the prep group, I get my journal open and ready for when the teacher starts lecturing, the first bell ringing, Paige leaving the classroom and class actually beginning happened in a blur.

Maybe I shouldn't text him.

The Loner and the Prep (bxb)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara