Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N: not proof read.

Although her eyes were strong and held confidence, on the inside, Evelyn was scared. This was the guy who threatened to harm her, the person who has been hurting her friend, bullying him, and getting away with it. It made more than enough sense that she was intimidated by him.

She knew she didn't need to be, but she couldn't help but feel the way she did. She had the proof, and she would use it until this guy was punished.

Evelyn wasn't stupid; she knew why most bully-victims didn't report their bullies; they feared the bullying would only intensify. It was probably the reason Watson never did anything about the bullying. Even if he didn't want to do anything about the bullying, Evelyn refused to watch as her friend was hurt like he had been earlier in the hallway. One of the first things Evelyn had done after showing the proof to the principal was asking if he could confirm that Watson did make it to the nurse's office.

Evelyn had relaxed after hearing he was in the nurse's office, resting on a cot. Knowing he had made it to the nurse made Evelyn feel more confident in her decision to record the event. Had she rushed to assist Watson to the nurse, there was a chance he would have tried to convince her not to show the video. To continue to hide the bullying and let it continue to worsen.

Watson might be okay with that, but Evelyn was not.

Keith masked his expression, moving to sit in the chair beside Evelyn. "May I ask why I'm here?" Keith asked as if he didn't have the slightest clue as to why he had been summoned. Evelyn squinted her eyes at him, trying to figure out his plan. There was no way he knew she had recorded him, that she had very compelling evidence. Without that knowledge, Evelyn wondered what kind of lies he'd try to tell before the ice broke from underneath him, and his bullying days were ended.

The principal glanced over at Evelyn, making sure she was comfortable with the other boy's presence, before turning his attention back towards Keith. "Mrs. Andrews has come to me concerned that you have been bullying her friend, Watson Young," The principal leaned back in his chair slightly. "I'm giving you the chance to plead your innocence," Evelyn turned her head, internally smirking. He could plead all the fake innocence he wanted, but the principal knew that Keith was bullying Watson.

Keith masked his reaction to the news, faking shock and confusion. Evelyn felt a strong urge to punch Keith for even attempting to look innocent. People like him disgusted her. How did he go about his days knowing he brought physical harm to a classmate for no apparent reasons.

"I would never! I'll admit that me and Watson aren't particularly friends, but I would never bully someone," Keith said, his eyes darting over to Evelyn, a dark look in his eyes. If she didn't have proof and wasn't sure if Keith would walk out of this office punishment-less, that look would have scared her more than it was. The video gave her a little more confidence, even more knowing there was nothing he could say. Evelyn couldn't wait to see Keith's reaction to the video, more than ready to see his expression drop when he realizes he has been caught, and no lie would dig him out of it.

Some bully-victims never mention it out of fear of that no one would believe them and side with the bully. She had originally feared coming to the principal, out of doubt that the man would listen to her and watch the video. Evelyn already imagined the scenario that, upon the video proofs reveal, that someone would question if she edited or altered the video in some way. She didn't, but she knew Keith would try to push the principal into that doubt.

"Is that so, Mr. Johnson?" The principal asked, raising one of his thin eyebrows up. A part of the principal was angry that not a single one of his staff had reported the bullying to him, that none of his students reported it. He felt a sense of guilt for not knowing about what was happening to one of his students. As someone who works in child education, it was his job to ensure that his students were in a safe learning environment. He felt as though he failed Watson by not providing that safe environment.

Keith faked an offended expression, looking at the principal like he couldn't believe the man didn't immediately take his word for it. "Of course! I am not a bully, and I most definitely do not like being falsely accused of one," Keith said, real anger pouring out of him, masking the smallest twinge of fear taking place over the cockiness. Keith couldn't help but think he should have been more cautious when the friend made her first appearance in Watson's pitiful life.

Evelyn rolled her eyes at the word falsely, knowing full well that Keith was more than just guilty when it came to bullying. He seemed to enjoy hurting someone weaker than himself too much. It was more disturbing than Evelyn was willing to let herself acknowledge.

"As much as I had hoped you'd outright confess, it seems you are content with lying," The principal sighed. He knew that Mr. Johnson was guilty, and no person would outright admit to doing something if they knew it was wrong and punishment worthy. And yet, he had still hoped the boy would just outrightly confess. "I wish I could believe and agree that you aren't a bully, Mr. Johnson, but Mrs. Andrews has provided evidence that states otherwise," The principal moved his laptop, turning it towards Keith. The principal watched the boys' reaction to the paused first image, watching Keith's eyes widen in shock.

Pressing play on the video, the principal leaned back, not focusing on the video; instead, he was focused on Keith. He had seen the video multiple times, taking into count multiple things after each take. The shakiness of the camera as Evelyn struggled to watch her friend getting bullied. The sound of one of his students getting punched into a pulp for no reason. The violence of Keith exploding and being taken out onto another.

Once the video stopped, Keith didn't move. His eyes were still locked on the monitor.

"The school can't ignore evidence like this, Mr. Johnson," The principal mentioned, getting Keith's attention. Keith no longer looked like the innocent person getting accused falsely of bullying; his express was starting to scream that he was the bully an more. "We have already contacted your parents. When they arrive, we will discuss the punishment the school is going to put into place for you, and I can assure you, Mr. Johnson, it will not be a light one," The principal turned his attention towards Evelyn. "As for you, Mrs. Andrews, you mentioned your guardian coming to retrieve you from school? You are free to wait in the front office until they arrive,"

Evelyn stood from her seat, eying Keith before leaving the room quickly. She didn't want to be near him if she could help it. When she told her father what happened, he insisted on coming to get her. She knew it was out of concern and love, but it was a bit much. All she really wanted to do was go and check on Watson, but he was probably asleep, and she didn't want to disturb him. Moving to sit in one of the office seats, Evelyn sat down and relaxed, a smile of accomplishment graced her face.

I think I did it, Watson, I think I solved your bullying problem.

A/N: as someone who has never been sent to the office for anything remotely bad, I hope I portrayed it decently? I struggled with the characters' speech, not knowing what to say that would be appropriate in a principal situation, along with the fact I couldn't remember if I gave the principal a name or not. I want to say I didn't, but who knows.

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