Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: Please excuse the (*) marks in curse words. I would like to attempt to keep this story out of the mature rating for as long as possible. :)

When Popular Girls Fight

Chapter Twenty-One

Watson P.O.V

When Elijah's girlfriend noticed the interactions between the mean girl and her boyfriend, you could see her bright smile drop. The two girls standing next to her, her best friend's, seemed to notice her mood change immediately. I didn't know much about Paige. I knew that she was running in the popular crowd like expected for Elijah's girlfriend. She was pretty, smart, but boy did she treat people with the smallest amounts of respect. Everyone in the popular crowd seemed to think they were better than everyone else, and Paige was no different. You could tell from the way she looked at people with disgust and talked down on them when they weren't around, that she genuinely thought she was better than everyone else.

It was a wonder that someone like Elijah, a guy who needed to feel accepted and fit in, could be with someone great at knocking people down. I query if he even sees it like that. I doubt that he does.

Paige began to whisper into the ears of one of her best friends, a girl who I believed was named Nora. The three girls were standing in front of a small set of lockers, parallel to the oblivious Elijah and the ignorant girl attempting to flirt with him. I stood a few steps behind the two, and I could see that they were both too caught up in their own conversation to notice what was going on around them. I could tell by the twisted looking grin developing on the best friend's face that they were about to make something dramatic happen.

A couple of seconds later, Paige and her friends began to walk across the hall, heading straight for Elijah. There was a contorted, pissed off look on Paige's face. When she got closer, she seemed to notice that the flirting girl, the same girl who was mean to me in class earlier, had her arms wrapped around Elijah's. Unfortunately, Elijah didn't see this as flirting, still rambling about something from class. I knew that Paige wouldn't care about that, though. All she'd care about was the fact that her boyfriend was letting some girl hold onto his arm like the way the mean girl was.

Jealously was clearly leading Paige's actions when she stood in front of the two. I don't know who looked over first, but whoever did, seemed to regret it because it wasn't seconds later that Paige snapped. She yanked the girl's arm off her boyfriend's, an upset expression on her face.

"What the f*ck is your problem?" The mean girl snapped at Paige, looking at her with an irritated look. It was pretty clear based on that that the mean girl had no idea who Paige was. I don't even keep up with these people, but even I knew that Paige was dating Elijah, as they have been for a couple of months.

"My problem," Paige snapped at the girl's face, "Is that you had your hands on my boyfriend," Paige said as she took the place that the girl had been standing. Paige even went as far as to wrap her own arms around her boyfriend, the exact same way the girl had been.

This seemed to infuriate the girl, as her face began to turn beet red. Embarrassed, she should have taken that moment to back away and get out before the situation blew out of proportion. Even I knew better to stop while I was ahead, who knows the type of rumors that Paige could spread about someone on her bad side.

And this girl was clearly on her bad side.

"I didn't see him pushing me away," The girl added in, stepping closer to Paige. Since I couldn't see Paige's face, I could only imagine what was going through her head. She took a small step backward's as if she didn't want to be too close to the mean girl. I personally couldn't blame her.

"Still doesn't mean you should be all up on someone else's man," Nora snapped at the girl, taking her place next to Paige. The two always seemed to be together, something that I also happened to know because I never saw them apart. If I didn't know that Paige and Elijah were a thing, I would have assumed that Nora and Paige were. Not that I think either one of them would like to hear about that. As far as sexualities went in this school, a majority kept it to themselves, safer in the closet than out. I guess they don't want to be Keith's punching bag either. What was worse about the whole thing, if someone like me were to come out, even though I already have, they would get bullied, but if it were someone like Nora or Elijah, literally no one would care.

"Was I f*cking talking to you, b*tch?" The mean girl snapped at Nora, who looked flabbergasted at the way the girl cursed her out. Paige, being a good friend to Nora, instantly stood up for her.

"Don't curse at my friend like that!" Paige snapped again, this time looking at Elijah for assistance. He wasn't so stupid to not notice this time, which was a blessing for all of us. I can just imagine Paige blowing up with anger because she thought everyone in the school was incompetent.

"So what? I can curse at who I want to, I don't need your permission," The mean girl said back, a sickly sweet smile gracing her lips. "Unlike your two lapdogs," The mean girl said, smiling at Nora and the other friend. In a way, she was right. No one messed with Paige. They were all afraid that it would hurt her feelings or that she'd get pissed off. Her two best friends weren't different, they held their tongues around her.

"F*ck you!" The other friend said, reaching forward to wrap her hands around the girl's throat. Gasps filled the air as the mean girl swung her arm up to smack the girl's face, her hands trying to remove the other girl's hands from her throat.

"Kira!" Nora screamed, attempting to get her other friend, a girl I now knew as Kira, away from the mean girl. The mean girl continued to smack and push, doing anything to get Kira to let her go.

After Nora failed to remove the Kira from the girl, Paige stepped in. Paige rushed behind the mean girl and attempted to pull her away from behind. This seemed to work, as the two let go of each other. The mean girl was left gasping for air while Kira screamed at her, "I am not a freaking lapdog you b*tch," Before storming away from the scene.

During the entire thing, Elijah had stood motionless. He hadn't spoken a word in his defense. Still, it seemed like I was the only one who remembered that he even existed because Paige and Nora rushed after Kira. The mean girl ran the other way, seemingly heading to the office, most likely to report the three girls. Strangely enough, not a single teacher intervened in the dispute, even though this hall was littered with classrooms.

After the four girls left, those remaining in the hallway seemed to disperse, realizing there wasn't any more action to come. The bell rang overhead, signifying that we did indeed need to start our ways towards class. Sending one last glance at Elijah, who still remained frozen in his place, I turned around and walked to class like everyone else.

It still was none of my business. Elijah had brought this entire thing upon himself by dating one of the popular girls. He had to have known that drama would come running if he dated someone that screamed dramatic.

The entire way to the classroom, all I could hear anybody talking about was the 'fight.' I didn't even want to consider it a fight. Regardless, the 'fight' had gotten everyone's attention, which resulted in rumor spreading. It wasn't fifteen minutes later, sitting in class that a whole different story was being told. The mean girl, who I now know as Lilly, was making out with Elijah, and poor Paige had caught them. Paige's friend couldn't just let Elijah cheat, so they attacked the girl. The stories really made Paige out to be a victim, something that came with her being popular.

Being popular sounds like it takes entirely to much effort.

Good thing I have no intention of being popular. 

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