Chapter Twenty-Five

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Evelyn didn't mean to be in that hallway, and she definitely didn't mean to witness Watson getting beaten by the same bully from the other day. The stack of papers she had been holding to take to the copier room was suddenly heavier than before.

She didn't know what to do. Unlike last time, the hallway wasn't filled with people who would assist her if something went wrong. Her brother wasn't there to back her up. She was alone, but then again, so was Watson. In a rash, quick last-second decision, Evelyn yanked her phone out, opening her camera as quickly as possible, clicking the record button.

If she had evidence, she could show it to the school and force them to acknowledge the bullying and harassment they were allowing to exist and finally punish this guy, who was clearly getting away with it. If the school refused to do anything, then the police would be involved. The fact that the bullying had been allowed to continue for this long without any signs of stopping it made Evelyn feel disgusted. Even more so knowing she had been subconsciously allowing it by not standing up against the bullying sooner. No longer would she let herself to be a bystander. This would be the last time she would just watch.

Evelyn had to bite her lip and hold the papers close to her chest to keep herself from screaming out, from defending Watson as he was getting punched and kicked. It felt wrong to allow this to happen. Everything inside Evelyn wanted to stop what was occurring in front of her, her hands sweating, and her grip on her phone going shaky.

The shaking only got worse when she heard the bully mention a 'little b*tch' who Evelyn knew without context meant her. The school was horrible for allowing the bullying between Watson and this guy to go on, but she wouldn't stand for it. She was partially afraid for herself, knowing what she was about to do would definitely be considered 'interfering,' something the bully just demanded she not do to Watson, but she didn't care. A threat was harmless until carried out, and when she showed the school the video or the police, if it comes to it, she knows her family won't stand for her getting threatened if they cared about nothing else in the video. Evelyn hoped that wouldn't be the only thing they cared about, because her getting threatened wasn't the biggest issue by a long shot.

When the guy released Watson's head and walked away, thankfully, in the other direction, Evelyn was tempted to run over to Watson, to help him off the ground. She stopped the recording, making sure to have it saved and that she had a back-up in case something happened to the video. This evidence could save Watson from the bullying, at least from this bully. If the video got corrupted or disappeared, she'd be failing Watson. That her just watching now would have been for nothing if the video was destroyed or deleted.

Evelyn watched as Watson stood up slowly, before making his way down the hallway, where she hoped he was heading to the nurse. Evelyn didn't wait for another second standing there, turning back around the corner as her mind attempted to make a plan. She paused as she saw the office down the hallway, her brain running a mile a minute. With the bathroom being next to her, she darted into the girl's room, stepping into a stall before pulling her phone out.

Re-watching the video was almost worse than witnessing it in real life, hearing the sound of the bully's fists hitting Watson again, hearing Watson's gasp's and winces of pain. The video stopped right when the bully walked away, showing her friend on the ground, bruises on his face, frozen in time. Evelyn couldn't look away from her phone, her entire body shaking as she freaked out, her leg tapping rapidly against the floor. Evelyn couldn't help but freak out. This was going to save Watson; she would make sure of it. She wouldn't let another person in this school get bullied like her friend and get away with it.

Evelyn closed the photo gallery, her fingers hovering over all the apps on her phone screen before clicking on the phone icon. She dialed a number she knew by heart, moving the phone up to her ear.

"Hey, yeah this is Evelyn, can I speak to him please?"


The classroom was quiet as the students worked on the assignment that had been assigned by the teacher at the beginning of class. A kid in the back of the classroom was leaning down slightly, his phone hidden underneath the desk as he toyed with a random game he had seen an ad for. To him, anything was more interesting than the lesson on his computer screen. Occasionally his eyes would wander up, glancing to make sure the teacher didn't get up to roam the classroom.

The phone ringing on the teacher's desk made everyone's head raise slightly, as everyone wished that the call would be for them. The teacher, an older woman who wasn't known to be a favorite amongst the student population, answered the phone on the third ring.

"Astrid speaking," A few looked back down, the hope of themselves getting called out of class disappearing with the reality of knowing their family wasn't coming to save them from school. The teacher's eyes lifted from her desk, scanning over the classroom before locking on the student that was being mentioned over the phone. "Yes, he's here," The girls who had been desperately hoping it would be them checking out drooped in disappointment. "With all of his belongings as well? Okay, I'll send him right away," As she placed the phone down, she glanced up again, her eyes already locked on the student who she would be sending to the office.

"Mr. Johnson," The teacher called out, making Keith jerk up, eyes locked on the teacher as he smoothly hid his phone in his pocket, assuming she was scolding him for being on his device. "You are needed in the office, take your things," Mrs. Astrid said quickly, before returning to whatever she had been doing before the call. Keith looked in her direction for a couple of seconds, confused about why he would be called out. He grabbed his few items before leaving the classroom, laughing at a couple of the jokes his friends made about him leaving. The moment the door closed behind him, the smile fell off his face as he strolled to the office.

A couple of thoughts ran through Keith's mind about why exactly he would be called to the office so randomly, few of them being good thoughts. Keith's expression darkened, thinking that the reason behind this was that stupid kid. Keith always assumed the kid was too afraid to turn him in. Maybe not.

Entering the office, Keith masked his face with a blank, calm expression. If this wasn't about the kid, then great! If it was . . . Keith wouldn't know what to do or say other than act oblivious and unaware, paint an illusion of innocence. The lady at the front desk glanced up when Keith entered the office, pointing towards the principal's office. "He needs to see you, Mr. Johnson," Keith nodded in her direction, a sense of hesitation forming as he looked at the closed door. Taking a deep breath, Keith knocked on the door before waiting for an answer.

Instead of opening the door himself, the door was opened on the other side by the principal, who invited him into his office. Keith's eyes weren't given a chance to wander the office as his eyes immediately locked onto the other person sitting calmly in one of the other chairs.

Evelyn and Keith locked eyes, and one immediately knew they messed with the wrong person.


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