Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven
The NoteBook
Elijah P.O.V

West Chancer Mall was one of biggest local malls that the trio could visit, and one of the closest, which was why they choice this mall over the other two options, the other two being at least a hour drive away and they all needed to be home before seven thirty, school tomorrow. Though Ginger was a singer she attended a private school, and the fame for her towards the kids who attend as well has dulled, which made Ginger happy, they no longer ask for autographs or for her to sigh something.

I don't think I could stand being famous, to many people to watch and judge you, which is one of the big things weighing Ginger down, her self-consciousness is afraid they'll dislike any of the new music she writes or sings. It's a common fear for teen age artists, but Ginger was letting it rule her life when it wasn't worth the fear.

Henry stops the Audi and we hop out of the Audi, and we rush into the mall, as we do small gasps are heard but fan girls, and boys, yes Ginger has a large amount of boy fans aren't allowed into the mall. Since our guards were already called ahead of time, our guards surrounded us, in a protective layer. It's actually easy to ignore once your used to having large suit wearing guards who don't talk unless you speak to them. I pretty much think their just normal people.

We rush towards random assortmant of stores, joking around with each other, trying to get Ginger's mood up and after a while of shopping, with my card, Becca's family obviously can't afford some of the things inside the stores we go into, this is a richer kind of mall, well half of it is, the other half is the normal side, most people who come into this mall stick to that side of the mall because if they come towards the richer side they can't afford squat.

We had quite a good time, and the tense Ginger we picked up was now a more relaxed and calm version of herself. She was laughing and skipping, a new version of herself rose from the shadows of the previous her. I was having fun myself, and I could tell Becca was too! Well, other than the fact she felt out of place when we shopped in the more out of budget stores but we assured her it was nothing. A couple hundreds for one thing was never anything shocking to us. For Becca, it was outrageous.

After shopping for a while we hand our bags off to two of our guards and headed towards the food court, a place filled with enough grease to drown us all. From Chinese food to American, we all looked like we had no idea what to eat as we wanted to; and agreed to eat at the same place, not wanting to make to many purchases.

"What about . . . . pizza?" Becca asked slowly as if she thought her question was worthless. Both me and Ginger shared a look, and agreed with Becca not wantint to argue. Then it came to which pizza place to go to.


We eventually picked one of the four, why they have four pizza places I'll never know, and we orders a large cheese, because I didn't feel like adding meat. We sat at a random table, the mall food court was rather empty so no ease droppers could bother us, I was actually having a good time.

We all sat down and looked at the steaming pizza that was just out of the oven, and Becca looked like she was drooling for the food on the sticky mall table that I swear they don't clean daily. We eat, laughed, and joked. For about ten minutes Ginger pulled out a note-pad and wrote in it, we stayed quiet while she did, and I new she was busy working on something new, if we talked now, we'd break her vibe. When she was finished, she looked up with a smile.

"Thank you." Ginger said with a blush on her face and we decided to leave as it was already seven o'clock so we'd all get home around the time of seven thirty. We dropped Becca off first. Her younger brothers were still playing on the ground when we got there, and she rushed out of the car a bright smile on her face, and when she got up to them she greeted them with a surprise, a new toy which made them squeal making me slightly envious. I couldn't do that, Evelyn wouldn't care about a new toy, she only cared about her violin and the internet.

We started to drive Ginger home and when we arrived Ginger didn't get out instantly.

"Hey," She said getting my attention. She held out her note-pad. I looked at her with questioning eyes. "Can you look at it for me?" I nodded and took the small hand sized book and Ginger hopped out of the car, grabbing her shopping bags and rushed to her house, leaving me in silence, well until my phone rang, making me look down at the rather unused device of the day.

I look at the caller ID and saw it reading Paige. A small smile appeared on my face as I answered the call but moments after I regretted it.

"Where were you?" She yelled at me through the device. I had wide eyes and had to pull the phone away from my ear, she is such a screamer.

"At the mall??" I said it like a question, unsure of the answer she wanted. Is that the answer she wanted me to tell her? Probably not.

"And why didn't you invite me?!" She yelled making me wince quietly at her voice. She sounded furious.

"Because it was just me, Becca, and Ginger." I said cooly, not wanting to drag out the conversation out. I hung up the phone, not wanting to deal with her now, and would tomorrow.

Arriving home, I rushed into the house, not seeing anyone around. Mom was probably with dad in there room and I could hear the sound of a smooth violin being played quietly through the house, it actually sounded rather nice.

I walked up stairs to my room, dropping the bags onto the floor next to the door and flicking on the light and sitting on my bed, before pulling out Gingers small book.

A mistake,
A little flaw,
Changed the world,
Changed all law
A secret hidden,
and never saw
Are the secrets,
That haunt us all

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