Chapter Four

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Home Sweet Home . . . Not
Chapter Four
Watson P.O.V


The last class bell rang throughout the entire school, as classroom doors slammed opened and my peers rushed out of there classrooms ready to go home and enjoy the afternoon before we return to this place tomorrow for the fourth day of school for the week.

I slowly picked myself up and out of the hard-wood desk of my Math class which is by far my most favorite class because I can completely enjoy the class, no one was judgemental in my Math class, thank god, I also didn't have any of my bullies in my this class either, because if they were here, my day would become so much harder than necessary.

I walked my way to my locker, which was still covered in my peers . . . creativeness that was displayed from the bottom of my locker to the very top with insulting words and graphic drawings of a males lower half.

I regret the day I came out as gay because since then my already horrible life had gotten worse. I didn't actually come out to my dad, he seemed to figure it out by himself, and I doubt he would have ever been supportive, even if mom had still been around, I guess he would've become abusive even if mom had still been around, but then again maybe not.

When I was little, the man who is my father now didn't exist. He had been a happy family man, he was always smiling, and before he'd look at me and mom like we were diamonds in his eyes, he doesn't look at me like that anymore.

When mom died, things changed real quick. He began to drink, which was the core starting point of my father's abusiveness, and then he'd allow whores into the house, but I knew he'd never actually marry one of them, I'd even heard him say no one could ever replace mom. No one.

And that was one of the few things we'd agree on.

I open the locker with the combination that the school gave me, though I've had to change it a few times since my peers always managed to find some way to unlock my locker. Thankfully I think it will be a couple more weeks until I need to change the combination again, and thank god for that because I really didn't feel like taking another trip to the office and getting home late, good lord I didn't want to get home late, dad would beat me if I was late again, and he wouldn't be happy, but he was never happy with me. I wasn't going to ask why he hated me, that would be a death wish on my part and I personally didn't want to die.

What would dying accomplish?

Nothing at all. I have my future ahead of me and suicide would cut my future away from me. A future I very much wish to see, but I won't get to see it if I kill myself.

I put everything I won't need at home into my locker, making sure to keep my journals so I can do the homework that assigned throughout the day, a strange thing is that a majority of the time the popular kids didn't get homework, but that's just an advantage that they get for being popular.

I would hate being popular. Having people do stuff for you, I rather do it myself, because if you do it yourself then there's a guarantee that if you mess up it's your fault so you can fix yourself and you'll never mess up on the same thing again. People like the popular kids are going to struggle in the future because they won't be able to do things for themselves because all their lives they've had someone else to do stuff for them, they'd be useless in the future.

It was kind of funny; it was also kind of pitiful.

I put everything in my backpack, before walking towards the band classroom, I had to grab my cello, a female student borrowed it the other day and she returned it today, and I personally didn't like to leave my cello at school, someone could damage it or steal it. I didn't want to lose one of my prized possessions.

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