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Lyra (6 years ago)

My father had gone to another long meeting, leaving me alone with my mother and two little sisters. 

I had already told my mother that I was going to sleep and I knew she wouldn't bother me for the rest of the night.

I waited for about fifteen minutes before I sneakily left out of my room. My mother was no where in sight and I ran outside of the womens' room.

I ran down the pathway that lead to the ferry boat and waved down at Kano.

"Hello Kano." I said with a smile. He smiled back, "I thought you weren't going to come."

"I always do."

"I know. Hop on."

Kano and his father sailed the ferry boat everyday. It was their 'family business.'

Only Kano knew that I went to the city while my father was away. He was the only one I told - mostly because he was the only one who could take me there. But, I still trusted him.

"Where will you go today?" Kano asked me as I stood next to him while he sailed.

"Same spot I always go to." I shrugged. "But, today is special."

"Why?" Kano asked me.

"Some of the military ships will be sailing through today because of repairs." I replied. "Today is my favorite time of  year."

"You really like those ships, huh?

I nodded quickly, "I do. But I don't know why. Something about them and the water just attracts me."

Kano chuckled, "Maybe you were supposed to be a water bender."

"Hm, maybe."

Once we reached the docking station at the city, I thanked Kano and walked up the path like I do every-time.

I went to my usual spot, which I thought was perfect. There was a small bench there and it looked out onto the ocean.

But this time, it was different. Two boys were sitting on my bench and I wasn't happy.

"Hey." I said while I walked up to them. "This is my bench."

The older looking boy looked up to me, "I don't see your name on it."

"I don't see yours on it either."

"I never said it was mine."

I crossed my arms, "I come here almost every single night."

He shook his head, "I've never seen you."

"You... you could sit with us." The younger boy next to him said shyly. The older boy nudged him, "Bolin."

"We took her spot." 'Bolin' shrugged. I nodded, "He's right."

The older boy rolled his eyes, "Whatever, just eat your bread." 'Bolin' patted the spot next to him and I sat down.

After a few seconds, Bolin tapped on my shoulder, "I'm Bolin and this is my big brother Mako."

'Mako' covered Bolin's mouth with his hand in a panicked manner. "You can't just be telling anyone our names!"

"I won't tell." I shrugged. Mako and Bolin looked to me with blank expressions. I held out my pinky finger toward him, "I promise."

Mako slowly removed his hand from his brother's mouth and looked down to my hand.

He hesitated for a moment before hooking our pinkies together. "Looks like we're friends now!" I grinned. Before they could respond, I heard my favorite horn.

I turned my head quickly toward the ocean and I watched them in amazement. "Aren't they so cool?!"

When I turned back, Bolin and Mako were no longer there. I frowned, hoping they would've stayed longer.

But who would've thought we'd end up meeting  in that same spot for the next few years. Or that we'd become bestfriends.

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