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Lyra (1)

It was the next day. We left out of the sewer and just above it, we stood on a platform to look out at the bay for any sign of the United Forces.

This reminded me of when I met the boys... and I remembered how much I loved looking out into the water.

"Once the United Forces arrive, we need to be ready to help in any way we can." Korra said.

"They're here." Mako announced. Bolin gasped before he looked out at the docks with a telescope.

Getting more visible from the fog, I was in awe at the fleet of ships that grew closer. They were beautiful.

"Wait a second... where are the Equalists' air ships?" Korra asked, looking up into the sky. It was true. Amon knew the United Forces were arriving today. But it was dead silent. And nothing in sight.

Mako snatched the telescope from Bolin then he ran to the edge of the platform. "I don't see any mecha tanks either."

I looked down at the water. I watched closely as the waves moved. The only place we wouldn't be able to see it coming...

I widened my eyes, "Korra, the water!"

Not even a second later, an explosion coming was heard and seen at the ships. There were bombs just under them.

Korra quickly jumps into the water.

"What do we do?!" I asked frantically.

Bolin shook his head, "There's no way for us to get to them."

After maybe a minute, we heard a buzzing sound coming from the sky. It was my turn to snatch the telescope from Mako. I looked up into the sky. I mentally cussed when biplanes were coming in fast.

"Where does Hiroshi find the time to keep inventing new evil machines!?" Bolin exclaimed. As they passed, the biplanes were throwing down bombs.

The ships were being defeated - blowing up and sinking in that order. I watched as Korra tried to help, but it wasn't enough.

I anxiously watch General Iroh trying to stop the bombs with his fire bending. But he too was blown off. "No!" I yell, watching him fly down and slam into the water.

I look back into the telescope for any sign of him or Korra. I sighed in relief when I saw Korra coming back with an alive General in her arms.


I return back to the hideout. I stayed behind, only for a moment, because I wanted to see if Amon had any more surprises we should know about. But in some fortunate way, that was it.

I make my way over to the others. They stood around Korra while she healed the General's wound.

"The biplanes was all Amon sent out." I said once I joined them. "I'm a little afraid for what else Hiroshi has up his sleeve." I turn my head to the General whose eyes were fixated on me. I put my hand out with a small smile, "it's an honor to meet you, General Iroh. My name is Lyra, I'm Councilman Tenzin's daughter."

When he didn't shake it, I awkwardly put my hand back down to my side. He continued to stare at me, however.

"Are Tenzin and his wife your biological parents?" General Iroh asks me. I was taken back by the sudden question and the unusual interest about my life. But I responded honestly.

I shook my head, "No, they aren't. I was adopted."

"At what age?"

"I believe I was almost three years old."

When he bursted out more questions concerning the story of my adoption, I grew uncomfortable. "Excuse me, but how is this any of your business?"

Realizing his mistake, he cleared his throat before straightening himself out. "You're right, I apologize. Just you... you look an awful lot like my daughter."

I furrow my brows, "Where is she?"

"I believe she's standing right in front of me." He stood up, "You see, she was taken from my wife and I years ago. Just like you, she was almost three years old when she was kidnapped. If I'm correct, you are seventeen years old?"

Lucky guess. I nodded.

"Her eyes were a lavender as well. I've never seen anyone with that sort of color - so unique and distinctive. It was one of my favorite features from her."

My heart was racing. He really thinks I'm his long lost daughter? There no way. But he's solving a puzzle that I never even looked at.

"I can only describe her physical appearance, though it's not enough since she was only three years old. So much can change. But you know, she had a birthmark on her left shoulder - it was shaped like a small spark from a lightning bolt."

I tensed up. I nearly choked on thin air. I didn't even realize I was pulling the sleeve of my shirt over my arm. I look down at the same mark he described on my left shoulder. I was mostly showing myself than him.

I could see the group facing each other with their mouths wide open from the corner of my eyes.  

"Her name was Eleese."

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 1 > LOK [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Where stories live. Discover now