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Lyra (1)

I laid down on the cement bed with my arms crossed under my head. I have no idea how far I am from the others.

The metal door opened and in came Tarrlok. I scowled, "What do you want?"

When he closed the door, a seductive smirk appeared on his face. "I just want to talk."

I sat up and swung my legs down. I watched him slowly make his way over to me. "That little stunt you pulled earlier with my officers was quite impressive."

I scoffed, "You seemed pretty pissed off to me."

Tarrlok shrugged, "Only for a moment, but-" he tightly grabbed my arm and forced me to my feet. "I realized it was incredibly sexy."

I looked up at him in disgust. "Excuse me!?"

He grabbed the both of my arms and put them behind my back. He was stronger than I was and the force he used made my arms cramp.

"Y-you're hurting me, Tarrlok." I gritted. "Let go of me."

"Just a second."

I felt him on my head and heard him sniff my hair. He chuckled lowly, his lips on my hear. "The things I would do to your petite little self." He whispered.

This sent an uncomfortable shiver down my spine. My fingertip was able to reach his arm and I sent a shock into him.

He screamed in pain as he let me go. I took this as my chance to escape, but before my hand could reach the handle, my head swung down. Tarrlok had a fist full of my hair. "You little brat! You can never just sit still!"

Tarrlok shoved me away from the door onto the floor then yanked it open and slamming it shut. 

It took me a minute or two to calm down - to catch my breath. Once I did, seconds passed before I had the urge to throw up.

I stood up and ran to a corner of the cell and let out my dinner. I looked up in anger as I wiped my mouth. You won't get away with this.


My eyes shot open when I heard a loud bang. Beifong had the door in her hands and threw it to the side. She then looked at me. "Let's go, kid. You're beauty sleep is over."

"I wouldn't call it much of a beauty sleep." I said as I got up and walked out of the cell. "I can tell." Beifong retorted. I laughed as I followed her down the halls.

After she busted out Asami, the ones left were Mako and Bolin. When she yanked their cell door out, I peeked my head in. "Hello boys."

"Lyra!" Mako grinned. "I was so worried." He ran over to me and pulled me into him. He swung me around and I nervously chuckled, I'm not the one you should be doing this to.

I looked at Asami from the corner of my eyes. She was looking away from us with a frown. I couldn't help but feel guilty. This is her boyfriend, not mine.

"A little privacy please!" Bolin squealed. I look over and his back was to us.  He was doing his business. I laughed, "Sorry Bo. Didn't see you there."

"Sorry to break up this odd reunion, but Korra's in trouble. Amon captured her." Beifong informed us.

Mako and I both looked at her, stunned. "No, no she can't be gone." Mako's voice was full of concern. And so was mine, "It hasn't even been that long since we've seen her. This doesn't make any sense!"

"I'm not the one you should be yelling at." Beifong snapped. I looked away from her in embarrassment. She moved to the side and nudged her head, "Come on, we have an Avatar to rescue."

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 1 > LOK [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Where stories live. Discover now