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Lyra (1)

Instead of date night, we stayed at the arena. Korra wanted Bolin to teach her a few tricks with the discs.

"I still can't believe I'm helping the Avatar!" Bolin cleared his throat, "Alright, let's see what you got!"

Korra took her stance and a disc from the piles on either side of her was swiftly thrown into the net. "That was great! Good power! But, in a real match, you'd be a sitting turtle duck."

Mako snickered and I elbowed him. "Ow! What was that for?"

I ignored him and continued to watch Bolin and Korra. "Stay light on your toes, right up until the moment when you need to dig in and strike, then- Pa! Pa!" Bolin easily struck two of the discs into the net.

"Okay, let me try it again." As Bolin said, Korra was light on her toes and on her next strike, it was rough and quick.

"Wow! Nice adjustment! You're a natural at this!" Bolin complimented. I agreed, "Honestly Korra, that was really smooth."

Mako shrugged, "Not bad."

"Whats it take to impress this guy?" Korra asked Bolin and I. "What? I said 'not bad.'" Mako defended. Korra gave him a 'really?' face with a pout and I chuckled, "Oh, don't mind him! He's just upset he didn't get his noodles!" I patted his shoulder and he rolled his eyes with a slight smile.

"You know what, it's getting late. I think I'm gonna turn in. You kids have fun." Mako looked over his shoulder to me and it was as if he was waiting. I nodded and joined him. "Nice to meet you, Avatar Korra." Mako said before we started to make our way out of the gym.

"Yeah, been a real pleasure." Korra responded sarcastically. I chuckled, "I'll catch up with you later Korra!"

"See you upstairs bro!"

Mako and I walked upstairs and I plopped down on their couch. "I'm pooped."

Mako chuckled while plopping down next to me, "So am I." I rested my head on his shoulder, "With that last round, you earned some good money today. What are you going to spend it on?"

"On the same person I always do: you." Mako rested his head atop of my own. I sighed, "How come you never let me buy you anything?"

"I don't deserve it." He replied. "...you deserve everything." I wearily smiled. "Even you?" He whispered.


"Even me."

I deserve you too.


The next morning, the sun that shone through the window woke me up. I groggily opened my eyes and looked around the room. I shot up. I was still at the arena. "Dang it!"

How could I fall asleep?!

Neither Mako or Bolin were with me so I just grabbed my bag and ran down stairs.

As I ran past the gym, I heard my name being called. I quickly backed up and saw Mako sitting on a weight bench. "Where are you going in such a rush?"

"Home!" I quickly replied before I ran out of the arena. Once I was on the ferry, I mentally thanked the spirits that Kano was not on today. It would be quite embarrassing if he saw me like this. In the morning. When he knows where I was last night.

What am I going to tell dad?! Agni, why didn't Korra come get me?!

I ran off of the ferry once it dock and ran up the hill to the temple. When I heard yelling, I followed the voices.

"I have been! But you know what I think?! Maybe the problem isn't me! Maybe the reason I haven't learned air bending yet is because you're a terrible teacher!" I watched as Korra stormed off. My mouth dropped when I saw the destroyed training gates. "Yeah, you're a terrible teacher daddy!" Meelo pointed to our father. He started to kick and throw the wood pieces before running around screaming while Jinora and Ikki hugged our father to comfort him.

"What happened here?" I asked slowly as I approached them. "Oh Lyra, there you are." My father said while my sisters gave me a turn for a hug. 

"I'm really sorry, dad. I can explain." I state quickly, but my father waved me off. "No need to explain nor apologize. Korra told me that you woke up early to feed the sky bison for me. That's one thing to cross off my list, thank you dear."

"Huh? Oh I mean, yeah dad! No problem! I'm going to go look for mom now!" I ran off quickly and started to make my way toward the sky bison stables.

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 1 > LOK [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Where stories live. Discover now