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Lyra (1)

"Oh, come on! Those were illegal head shots! Open your eyes, ref!" My father yelled. I sighed, "Maybe next year."

My father continued to yell at the ref for a moment before he pushed me behind him while he yelled, "Look out!"

As he sent a large gust of wind past Beifong, I gasped as she fell down to the floor. "Chief!"

Before I knew it, my dad was right down next to her. I watched in horror as he fell to the floor. "Dad!" Before I could kneel down to help them, a woman was reaching her hand out for me. She was no doubt an Equalist. No... This can't be possible. When the electric glove touched my shoulder, I screamed in agony.

I placed my hand atop of the glove. I placed my other hand atop of the Equalist's shoulder, electrocuting her as well.

We did this until the glove turned off. When it did, i let go of her, letting her fall down the stands.

Before I too could fall, I leaned onto a pillar and cried out. The pain I felt was excruciating. I had no idea I could do what I did.

My cry caught the attention of other Equalists. As they made there way over to me, I did everything I could to run down the steps to the edge of the rail.

When I heard screams coming from under me, my eyes widened. "Mako." I breathed.

I looked over to the ring that the Wolfbats stills stood on. I have to get over there.

I quickly stepped onto the rail and jumped, shooting fire from my feet. Trying to ignore the pain, I focused on the ring.

But the pain wasn't bearable. No, it wasn't.

I cried as I held onto my shoulder, the fire from under my feet disappearing, causing me fall down into the pool of water.

When my back hit the water, the impact made me choke on my own my breath.

From outside the water, I could hear a voice say, "The girl! Get the girl!"

Seconds later, I was electrocuted once again. As I tried to fight it, the water made its way into my lungs.

I thought I was fighting. When I managed to look down at my body, I wasn't moving. But the whole time, I thought I was kicking and punching.

So I stop.

I stop trying to fight.

I should've done this when it started.

"Do you ever think about your future? Who you're going to marry, how many kids you're going to have, where you're going to live?"

Mako scoffed with a half-smile, "I haven't kissed a girl yet. Why would I think about that stuff?"

"I haven't kissed a boy yet, but I still think about that." I said. 

"Of course you would. All you girls do." Mako replied.

I crossed my arms, "You boys do too. You just don't want to admit it."

Mako sighed, "I guess."

"It's not bad to think about it. The future is scary." I said.

"Ask me after I kiss a girl." Mako chuckled.

"Why does that matter?" I asked.

He shrugged. "It just does."

I looked down while I fidgeted with my fingers. "... if I kissed you right now, would you think about it?"

"Uh... sure."




"Okay. I promise."

I don't know what went through me. I wouldn't actually do this. But I did.

I grabbed his cheeks and pulled him down to height level. I pressed my lips onto his.

His lips were warm and soft. He smelled of coal because of his work at the factory, but I didn't mind it.

I pulled away when a horn from a sailing ship was heard. I quickly removed my hands from his face and held them behind me.

We were both obviously flustered. Him more than I was it seemed. I cleared my throat and stepped back while I said, "Think about it. You promised."

"Come on, Lyra! Cough it up!"

I felt pressure on my chest before I painfully coughed up water. I felt a hand on my back as I sat up.

I held my sore throat while meeting the eyes of Mako and Bolin.

"Oh thank the spirits!" Mako said while jumping onto me and wrapping his arms around me. "I thought I'd lost you."

He pulled away before from me to Bolin then back to me. "We thought we'd lost you." 

I jumped as I heard explosions. "What's going on?"

"Amon." Bolin answered.

As if on cue, right when Bolin said his name, all the pain from the execution from the glove kicked in. I yelped in pain as I held onto my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Mako asked me, inspecting me quickly.

"M-my shoulder." I said while wincing. "Equalist..."

Mako slowly removed my hand from my shoulder. Both brothers widened their eyes. I slowly looked down at my shoulder and mine too widened.

My own skin was burning.

"I-I don't feel so good." I said as I felt faint. I'm sure they noticed by there faces.

"Oh no, Lyra. You stay with us." Bolin said. "We have to get her out of here, bro."

"But where?!" Mako asked looking around.

"G-get my dad."

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 1 > LOK [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Where stories live. Discover now