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Lyra (1)

"I'll let you two get comfortable. C'mon Jinora, let's leave the boys alone." Before I turned around, Make and I glanced at each other.

Once we left the men's dormitory, Jinora smirked up at me. I furrowed my brows at her, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"So he's the fire boy you kissed."

I almost dropped Meelo from my arms. "How do you know that!?"

"I read your diary."

"Of course you did! Have you ever heard of personal space?! Jeez Jinora, watch, when you become a teenager, I will literally make your life a liv-"


I quickly turned around and Mako was standing behind us with his hands behind his back. He looked awkward - I'm sure he heard the conversation.

"How much of that did you hear?" I asked him.

He slightly shrugged, "Enough."

"I see." I placed Meelo down to the floor and he grinned at me.

"So you did kiss him?"

"Okay! Meelo, why don't you play with our dear sister."

Jinora giggled. "We'll leave you two love birds alone."

Just as I was about to take off my shoe, they left running.

I turned around and straightened myself out. "Uh, sorry about that."

Mako snickered, "You had a diary? And you wrote about me?"

I playfully rolled my eyes, "Shut up."

He placed his hand on his chest, "I am honored. Truly, this means more to me than life itself."

I smiled while softly punching his arm. "Shut up."

We both laughed for a moment before becoming quiet. I cleared my throat, "Was there something you needed?"

"Your forgiveness." Mako replied.

I sighed, "Mako-"

"No. We're going to butt heads sometimes, Ly. That's just how it is. Everything isn't rainbows and butterflies. We both said somethings that we didn't mean."

"That's the thing, Mako. Maybe it came out wrong, but regardless, I did feel that way."

"And that's fine. I should have given you and Korra the benefit of the doubt. But I didn't. You were right and I was wrong." He stepped closer to me. "I'm sorry." He wrapped his arms around my neck.

I hesitated a bit, but I gave in. I wrapped my arms around his waist. I chuckled, "When are you going to realize that I'm always right?"

"I've learned my les- Shady Shin?"

I pulled away from Mako and turned around. Shady Shin was indeed here with us. I widened my eyes as he walked over to us, his hands in his pockets.

"Mako, how's it goin'?" Shin slightly smiled. "Last time I saw you, we didn't get to chat - y'know, bein' all hero and stuff."

Mako nodded. "Yeah, it's definitely been awhile. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to talk to your friend." Shin replied. "You mind?"

"No, he doesn't." I said before turning around. "I'll see you later."

As I walked away from Mako and toward Shin, he smirked at me. "Long time, no see short stuff."

"It hasn't been that long." I said. "What makes you think you can just show up here?"

"Chillax," Shin chuckled. "I don't have another way to reach you. I want to hangout."

"What if my dad saw you? You don't have the best reputation, Shin."

"I know that. So are you going to head out with me or not?"

I turned my head around and Mako still stood there with his hands in his pockets. I sighed while turning back, "Okay."

"That's what I'm talking about." Shin smiled as he put his arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry about Mako. He'll survive without you."


"Admit it!"

"Fine! I had a good time." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"See, I'm not so bad. Once you start hanging with me, you can't get enough." Shin smirked.

I scoffed, "You're so full of yourself."

"Can you blame me?"

I lightly laughed while leaning back on the passenger seat. Shin and I looked at each other in silence for a moment.

"You're surprisingly okay... considering what happened." I hesitantly said.

Shin sighed while turning his head away and looking forward, "Yeah, well I wasn't for a little while. But I realized there are worse things goin' on, so I sucked it up. Life goes on, y'know."

I slightly smiled, "I like that."

He turned his back to me. His eyes looked down to my lips then back up to my eyes.

"I might kiss you."


"If that's alright."

"I, um... I might be bad at it." because I haven't kissed anyone since Mako, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

Shin shook his head, "That's not possible."

He leaned in and I did too. When our lips touched, my heart started to race. My hands were shaky so I kept them at my sides.

When we pulled away, we cleared our throats and looked down.

"I should get home before my dad freaks." I said before opening the passenger door. Before I stepped out of the car, Shin grabbed my hand.

"Meet me here tomorrow."


"Forget what I said about me. Spend a little time with you, you can't get enough."

I sighed. "I'll meet you here at sun down."

I got out of his car and closed the door. I slightly waved to him as he drove off.

"It was just a kiss."

which is exactly what I said to Mako the next day. and look where I am now.

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 1 > LOK [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Where stories live. Discover now