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Lyra (1)

I didn't get very much sleep last night. All that was on my mind was Mako and 'Asami.' I wanted to know everything about her. He relationship with him, that is.

I mean, he didn't call her his girlfriend. I think that's why I'm better than I thought I'd be - he didn't say anything about her being more than a girl he thought was 'amazing.'

But I was hurt. I am hurt.

I'm just so used to being the only girl in his life - besides Korra. Our relationship is special. Very special.

We've had more intimate moments these past few days than I've had with anyone. And I've only had one boyfriend my whole life... kinda.

Should I even go on this so called 'date'? This would be my first real, real date. Though I did go on a date with Hasook, it just doesn't count because... well it just doesn't!

But, for so long, I've wished my first real date be with Mako.

I just feel so confused.

I just want to ask him, "What did it mean to you? Because it meant everything to me."

The night of the Revelation, the arena's pool - the last six years. What does it mean?!

I zoned back into reality when I heard a knock at my door. I got up from my bed and walked over to it. I slid the door open and wearily smiled down at Jinora, "How can I help you little airbender?"

She smiled wide, "A handsome boy is here for you."

I turned my head to look at my clock: 10:35 in the morning. Understandably, I thought it was Kano.

"I told him noon! It's not noon!"

Jinora shrugged with a laugh. As she moved to the side, I was surprised to see who was walking toward me. Mako.

"Hey." Mako half-smiled. I watched his eyes scan me, "Cute."

I looked down at my sleeping attire, "Thanks, I just woke up." I've been up for hours.

We stayed quiet for a few moments until he stepped forward. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "Isn't Asami's driver going pick you up at the arena?"

Mako nodded. "But I wanted to see if you were doing okay. You seemed a little... off yesterday."

I shrugged, "I'm fine."

He knows I'm lying. He always knows when I'm lying. "You're sure?"

I nodded, "just peachy."

Mako cleared his throat, "Alright then."

"You should go."

"Oh no, I don't have to be-"

"Like I told you last night, I have plans for today. Starting at noon to be more specific. I need to get ready, so if you don't mind?"

Mako slightly frowned. "No. Not at all."

I forced a fake smile, "Great. See you around."

"'Around?' Lyra, are we okay?" He asked with concern laced in his voice.

"Peachy keen. Tell Asami I say 'hello'" and with that, I turn and head to the showers.


While I walked over to the ferry, I spotted Kano holding a bouquet of red roses.

"You look very pretty." Kano compliments. I smile, "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

He handed me the roses and I took them. I smile down at them, "These are beautiful, thank you Kano."

With his hand on my back, we walk into the ferry boat. Kano's father, whom I haven't seen in a couple weeks, waved to me. I waved back, as did his son.

"Where are you taking me on a such a nice day?" I asked him.

"I have some things planned." Kano smirked. "But, you'll just have to wait and see."

I rolled my eyes in a playful manner, "You know Kano, I don't like surprises."

"Yes you do." He put his lips next to my ear. Making sure his father didn't hear, he whispered, "I'll make sure of it."

Side note: I'm so sorry for not updating in such a long time! I'm also sorry for the short chapter. I won't really write about their first date, this only being a filler. But, the next few chapters will be longer I hope! Thank you for reading.

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 1 > LOK [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Where stories live. Discover now