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Lyra (1)

When we reached City Hall, I wrapped my arm around Kano's. He placed his hand atop of mine and we walked in with a smile.

Once we we're inside, the guests started to clap at Korra's entrance. "I can't believe this is all for me." Korra said while looking around. "I'm not sure what Tarrlok's plotting, but keep your guard up. It's not like him to throw a party just for the fun of it." My father said.

"So glad you could make it, Avatar Korra!" Tarrlok walked over to us with a grin and his arms opened wide. "If you'll excuse us, the city awaits its hero."

"Let's follow them." I whispered to Kano. He nodded and we trailed behind them. Kano and I stopped in our tracks when Tarrlok and Korra did.

"Korra, it is my pleasure to introduce Republic City's most famous industrialist, Hiroshi Sato." Tarrlok introduced. I widened my eyes, "That's Hiroshi Sato!"

Kano nudged me, "We have to be subtle."

I scoffed, "Oh, like you're ever subtle."

"Touché." Kano replied.

My head whipped straight when I heard a familiar voice. "Hey Korra!" Mako and Bolin walked over to them. At Mako's side, was a girl. A very beautiful girl.

"This is my daughter, Asami." Hiroshi introduced. That's Asami?!

"It's lovely to meet you." She softly smiled. "Mako told me so much about you."

"Really? Because he hasn't mentioned you at all. How did you two meet?" Korra read my mind.

Bolin suddenly swooped to Korra's side and answered the question. "Asami crashed into him on her moped."

I stepped forward, but Kano stopped me. "We don't want to blow our cover."

I furrowed my brows, "What cover?"

"I thought we're spies?"

I face palmed myself. "Just stand there and look cute."

"How's Lyra doing?" Mako asked Korra. "I didn't see her yesterday."

"She's fine. She's actually here... somewhere." Korra started to look around the room. When she spotted us behind her, she waved. "There she is!"

Oh no.

Korra waved me over and I forced a smile. "Hi guys."

"Lyra, it's great to see you out of bed." Mako said. "How's your side?"

"Fine." I shrugged. My eyes landed on Asami. "Who's this?"

"Oh, this is Asami. Asami, this is my best friend, Lyra." I winced at best friend. He hasn't introduced me as his best friend in years. It was always just Lyra. And I preferred it that way.

"I've heard so much about you too. Mako never stops talking about you." Asami smiled. I looked to Mako with a cocked brow, but he was just eyeing Kano.

"Oh um, this is Kano. My... date?" I don't know why it came out more as a question, but it did.

"Yeah, we've met." Mako said with a stern look. Kano carried the same expression. "Yeah. On the ferry."

I've never seen him so serious.

"Are you two a couple?" Asami asked sweetly. "What? No! Kano and I, a couple?! Where'd you get that idea?! Can't even have a guy as a friend these days, am I right?!" When they all looked at me with odd expressions, I rubbed the back of my neck with a sheepish smile. "I need some punch." I hurried away from the group and stopped at a punch table.

I looked down at my reflection in the bowl of punch water. Though my hair was curled and my makeup was done, I looked a mess. She's perfect.

"You look beautiful."

I jumped at the voice. I turned my head and Mako was next to me. I looked past him at Asami who was talking with Bolin and Kano.


My eyes met Mako's. "Oh, thank you."

"You're welcome."

I grabbed a cup from the stack and poured in some punch. I handed it to Mako and he thanked me. I then poured some for myself.

"She seems great." I said after I took a sip of my drink. Mako nodded, "She is."

"That's good."


"It's great, actually."


"You seem happy."

"I am."

"That's great."


After a few moments of silence, I changed the subject. "How's the money going? For the tournament."

"Mr. Sato is sponsoring us." He replied. I grinned, "Really?! Oh, Mako, that's terrific news!" I pulled him in for a hug and as I did so, I spilled some of my punch on his shoulder.

I gasped. "I'm so sorry!" I placed mine and Mako's cups down then grabbed a napkin from the table. I started to dab the stain, "And this was such a nice suit. I'm so sorry."

Mako shook his head with a laugh, "You've always been quite the klutz." He moved my hand away from his shoulder, "It's okay, Lyra. Just leave it."

Our faces were inches apart. Mako still held my hand and I gripped the napkin. "Why do I feel like it's getting weird between us?" He whispered. "Because we do things like this and never talk about them after." I bluntly responded.

"No," he shook his head. "It's something else."



"Asami." I yanked my hand away from his and quickly picked up my cup. Asami linked her arm with Mako's while Kano did the same to me. I didn't even see him walk over.

"Congratulations again, Mako - on the sponsorship." I tried not to seem flustered. But I'm sure my cheeks were rosier than roses. "Thank you, Lyra." Mako deepened his voice to cover up his flusteredness as well.

I slightly bowed to Asami, "It was nice meeting you, Ms. Sato." She smiled her usual smile, "It was nice meeting you too, Lyra."

I walked away from the couple with Kano's arm still linked with mine. "What was that about?" He asked.

"What was what about?"

Kano sighed, "Nothing. Never mind."

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 1 > LOK [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Where stories live. Discover now