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Lyra (1)

I woke up in my room the next morning. I could my hear my parents arguing outside my bedroom door. I slowly got out of bed, rubbing my puffy eyes that I'm sure were pink.

I walked over to my bedroom door and put my ear on the door. I listened to the conversation.

"If you had just let him explain what happened, we wouldn't be clueless right now!" My mother said.

"I don't care! Any young man who brings my daughter to my home - carrying her while she's in distraught - is not welcome here!" My father replied just as upset.

"You've known his family for years, Tenzin! You really think he'd-"

I opened the door, cutting my mother off. They slightly jumped at the sudden action, but then relaxed.

"Oh, Lyra." My father pulled me into a hug before pulling away and inspecting me up and down. "He didn't hurt you did he?"

I removed his hands from my arms and shook my head. "No, I'm fine."

"Honey, have you seen yourself?" My mother asked. I shook my head once again. My father guided me back into my room and had me look into the mirror in my bedroom. "Look at yourself, Lyra."

Like I assumed, my eyes were a shade of pink and puffy. My nose was red and runny. The dark under circles under my eyes were defined.

"I see... nothing." I said blankly.

"I want to know what happened last night Lyra." My father demanded. "Spirits, I knew I shouldn't have let you wander the city after what happened."

"I wasn't wandering in the city. I was at the arena." I said matter-of-factly. My mother stepped up from behind my father.

"Sweetie," My mother's voice is soft. She placed her hand on my upper arm and rubbed is slowly - to try to be comforting. "Your dad and I, we're just worried. Kano brought you home last night and you-"

I looked away from them. "I just want to be alone right now." My voice cracking mid-sentence.

Before my father could argue, my mother nudged him and sent him a glare, 'let's go' it says.

Defeated, my father walked out of the room with a sigh. My mother takes one more glance at me before leaving out my bedroom door, closing it behind her.

"Empty," I whisper while slowing looking around my small but decent sized room. "It's empty."


I woke up seated on the floor, my back on my bedroom door. I don't remember sitting down or falling asleep like this.

I woke up to another round of yelling coming from different people this time. I recognized their voices instantly.

"You shall not pass!" Meelo yelled.

"Meelo move!" Korra demanded.

"Sprits, Lyra! Open the door, please!" Mako pleaded. My eyes slightly widened. I shot up from my spot on the floor then pressed my ear to my door, which was unnecessary.

"I said no! Now leave!"

"I'm not leaving until I see her." Mako said.

"Haven't you hurt her enough?!" Meelo rhetorically asked.

I slowly turned my door knob, their yelling ceased. I slightly opened the door just a crack and peeked outside.

I was only able to see my kid brother. His big eyes meeting mine.

"What do they need?" I asked, trying to act nonchalant. But their was chaos running throughout my mind and heart.

"They want to talk to you. I don't think that's a good idea." Meelo crossed his arms and frowned.

"I don't think so either." I shook my head. "Tell them to leave. I just want to be alo-"

My door was then forcibly pushed open, Korra and Mako taking their chance to rush into my room. "Hey!" Meelo and I both exclaimed.

"We need to talk to you." Korra said. "And I'm not leaving here until I do."

"Neither of us are." Mako added.

I rolled my eyes while walking over to my bed and sitting down. When Meelo's big eyes met my glossy ones, he quickly ran in front of Mako and tried to push him out of my room.

"Get out! That's an order!" He yelled while punching Mako's side. Mako wasn't fazed by it.

Korra groaned before picking up my kid brother and plopping him outside. She slammed my door, making Meelo and I both exclaim another 'Hey!'

"Go do some airbender stuff!" Korra yelled to him.

"At least I can airbend!" Meelo retorted before I heard him run off. I stifled a laugh. Korra ignored his comment, which I thought was odd. I guess this was important.

Mako grabbed the chair in my room and pulled it in front of me before sitting down on it. He grabbed my hands, but I yanked them away.

"Talk to me, Lyra. To us." Mako pleaded again. I scoffed, "Since when has there been an 'us' between the two of you?"

Korra and Mako looked at each other, not knowing what to respond to my question.

"Why did you come here?" I asked Mako, but Korra responded instead. "I live here." She said matter-of-factly.

I rolled my eyes. "I know that. I mean him." I finished with my finger pointing at Mako. "I told you we were done."

"But why, Lyra? I did nothing to you." Mako asked with an irritated tone in his voice. That made me more angry because he has no right to be irritated with me.

"You still don't see me, huh?" I asked more to myself than to him. "I'm right in front of you now! I don't need to tell you anymore!"

"Tell me what Lyra?!"

"You want me to spell it out for you!?"

"If it helps me, yeah! Spell it out!"

I stood up from my bed and grabbed him by his shirt. I pulled him out of my room and did the same to Korra. "Why don't you talk about the clues of this stupid investigation then talk to me when you figure it out!" I slammed my door for a second before opening it again. "Better yet, don't talk to me at all!"

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 1 > LOK [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Where stories live. Discover now