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Lyra (1)

I wiped the sweat from my palms on my pants. Bolin couldn't help but laugh. "You're that nervous?"

"I've been in love with Mako since I was twelve. Yeah I'm nervous!" I replied. "You'll do fine. You'll be so relieved after." Bolin reassured. I nodded slowly, "I sure hope you're right."

"Oh, there they are." Bolin pointed. Korra and Mako we're having a conversation that I couldn't make out yet. As we got closer to them, I was about to call his name, but Mako's words intrigued me since I could hear them now.

"... I like Asami too. I don't know, things are complicated. Been feeling really confused and-"

Everything was in slow motion now, yet everything was spinning. I couldn't remove my eyes from the two sharing a kiss in front of me.

It felt like hours until they pulled away, but it was only seconds. It was then did I finally feel what a heart break was like.

"But I thought..." I muttered to myself. "I was... he...." I felt broken. If I was to be touched at this very moment, I'd fall apart. I feel bruised and everything ached.

This was supposed to be the day Mako and I changed for the better. Not for the worse.

When Korra saw Bolin and I past Mako's shoulder, she looked away in dismay. You have no idea how bad I wanted to grab her ponytails and make her face me. But I'd no idea what I'd say.

Mako turned around and he carried the expression of getting caught doing something wrong. And he did. To me. To Bolin. To Asami.

After a few moments, Bolin bursted into hysterics before running off.

"Bolin, this isn't what you think!" Mako tried. I watched Bolin run off before looking back at Mako and Korra who began to argue. "Great! Look what you did!"

"You're blaming me?!"

"You kissed me!"

"You kissed me back!"

Mako groaned before running off as well. I wanted to let him know I was still there before he left. "How could you?"

He stopped in his tracks and turned his head. He didn't seem confused. I honestly couldn't make out his expression. "Lyra, I-"

"Bolin told me-" My voice cracked, making me cut myself off. You can't cry. Mako took a step forward and I took one back. I took a deep breath before speaking again. "... I'm a good person. I sure as hell don't deserve this!"

Mako sighed, "Lyra," he tried to grab my hand, but it was already across his face. "We're done, Mako." This time, I let myself cry. "I can't do this anymore."

"Ly, stop. Let's talk about this." Mako said while holding the cheek I slapped. You could see the red hand mark starting to form.

"Go find your brother - do me a favor and don't do the same for me." I turned on my heel and ran off, ignoring the calls from Mako and Korra.

When I reached the ferry, I was a mess. A huge mess. And what I didn't need was Kano seeing me, but he did. "Spirits, Lyra, what happened?!"

I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt and looked down. "I- I just need to get home."

Kano hesitantly asked, "Did an equalist attack you?"


"Something happen with Bolin?"


"What about Mako?"

"No, Kano!" I groaned. I don't know what came over me. Against my will, my foot kicked the side of the boat, creating a hole. I gasped while covering my mouth my hand. I looked down at the hole with wide eyes. I removed my hand from my mouth before looking at Kano. Tears started to stream down my face, "I-I'm sorry Kano. I don't know why I did that. I'm so sorry! I'll pay for it! I'm so sorry!"

I was now in hysterics. I never felt so embarrassed. I could care less though.

He embraced me into a hug and pulled my head down to his shoulder. "Let it out. It's okay."

And I did. I did just that.

When I thought I had ran out of tears, more came flowing down.

"I'm never the one." I muffled into his shoulder. Kano rubbed my back. "You will be for someone someday."

He guided me to sit down then he rested my head on his shoulder. Kano tried his best to calm me down, and I wanted to, but I couldn't.

I couldn't stop crying.

There's only two people who can calm me down from a breakdown and it's my father and Mako.

"Close your eyes," Kano whispered. "Think about a time when you knew you'd be happy for as long as you lived."

I couldn't help but curl the corner of my lip upward. My mind instantly went to when Mako and I kissed. I was twelve years old. He was thirteen.

It was my idea. I remembered Korra telling me about hers and I wanted mine. So when I returned to Republic City and saw Mako, I brought up the idea.

Mako was very flustered when I asked him if he'd kiss me.

The image in my mind went black when I fell asleep on Kano's shoulder.

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 1 > LOK [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz