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Lyra (1)

"We need Korra! She can heal you!" Mako said. I shook my head, "Take me to my d-dad."

"What is your dad going to do?!" Mako argued. "I want my dad!" I yelled.

"The woman wants her dad!" Bolin said. "So let's take her to her dad."

Mako groaned before picking me up. He and Bolin rushed toward the elevator and rushed out of the balcony.

A rush of people were exiting the arena as we looked for my father in the stands. "He's probably looking for you too." Bolin said.

"Lyra! Lyra!"

"Over here!" Mako yelled. From the corner of my eyes, I could see my father running toward us. "Oh, thank the spirits you're alright!" He sighed in relief.

"Not r-really." I said, pointing to my wounded shoulder. My father's eyes widened, "How did this happen?!"

"Electrical glove." I sighed.

"We need Korra." Mako repeated. "She's the only one who could heal her."

"Korra is with Amon." My father said. As if on cue, we heard yelling from above us. We all look up and gasp as we saw Korra falling over the now burned ring.

We were all relieved when the Chief caught her in time with her metal cables. When they landed safely in the bleachers, we rushed over to them.

"Korra! We need your help!"

"Oh my spirits, what happened?!" Korra asked as she helped Mako sit me down. "Equalists..." I said. "And my- my own strength."

They ignored my last comment.

"You're going to feel a little sting in the beginning but it'll feel nice afterward." Korra said as she got water from a water bottle Bolin had. I don't know when he got it or how long he had it.

She placed it over my wound and when the water began to flow, I felt the stinging sensation she mentioned. I winced in pain while I felt my hand being grabbed.

When the stinging sensation ceased,
I looked down at my hand. I realized it was Mako's and apart of me wanted to shove it away. But I didn't. I let our hands touch and while I did, I felt happy. It was nice touching him again. Not to make it sound weird....

I return my eyes on Korra. "Thank you." I said. She half-smiled. "You're welcome."

Her small smile faded as she continued to speak in a lower tone. "Listen, Lyra, I didn't know you had feelings for Mako. If I did, I wouldn't have kissed him."

I slowly shook my head, "I don't have feelings for Mako." I felt my hand being squeezed.

"You- you don't?" She asked with her eyebrows furrowed. "Me and Mako for the impression that-"

"No, no. I was just upset because I was putting myself in Asami's shoes."

"Are you sure? Because you were really mad. Like, very mad."

I cleared my throat and faked a smile. "I have a temper."

Mako and Korra looked at each other for a brief moment before shrugging. "We're both really sorry Lyra."

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Asami." I said.

They looked at each other witj guilt on their faces.

I frowned, "You guys don't plan on telling her." 

"I can't. It'll crush her and-" Mako started but I interrupted him. "It's none of my business."

Korra finished healing me and I thanked her once again.

"There is still going to be a bit of bruising and there'll be a scar." She said.

My father walked over to me and sat beside me. "I'm sorry this happened to you."

"Don't apologize, dad. It isn't your fault." I looked over to Beifong. Her expression said she was also orry. "Nor was it Chief Beifongs."

"I can't believe Amon did this. I played right into his hand." Beifong said. "He played us all." My father responded. "Republic city is at war."

Side note: I'm sorry for the short chapter, I wanted to finish the episode (: thank you for reading!

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 1 > LOK [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Where stories live. Discover now