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Lyra (1)

It was the next night, and we, Team Avatar that is, continued to watch the streets. We all stood around the parked car and waited.

Mako scooted over to me. When I turned my head to look at him, he sent me a small smile. I returned the favor.

"I want to talk to you." Mako said.

"What about?" I asked.


I sighed, "Sure."

He lowered his head so that his mouth reached my ear. He whispered, "I miss you. I barely see you these days."

"You live on the island now. Trust me Mako, you'll get tired of me."

Mako grabbed my hand, "Let's go out. Just you and me - like old times."

"What do you want to do?"

"What we always used to do: go to our favorite hot dog stand right when it gets dark out and walk for hours just talking. The perfect night."

I smiled, remembering our famous 'perfect night.' We had one every few days. But since Korra came into the city... we stopped.

"I forgot about those. It's been awhile."

"I know. Which is why we'll do it tonight."

I raised my brows, "Tonight? Don't you think it's a little too late?"

Mako shook his head, "It's never too late for the perfect night."

I chuckled, "Alrighty then. Tonight it is."

Mako nodded with a small smile before turning and talking to Korra. I bit the inside of my cheeks while down at my feet. I wanted to hide my smile.

Seconds later, the car radio turned on. We all turned and listened.

"All available units - please respond to the 5600 block of Dragon Flats Burough.  Equalists have taken to the streets. Consider them armed and dangerous. Proceed with caution."

Asami took the wheel as always with Bolin hopping into the passenger seat. "I call front!"

Make extended his arm out, "After you."

"What a gentlemen," Korra took his hand and jumped into the car. "Thanks." After, Mako jumped in.

So, forget me right? I jumped in and eyed the two.  Korra and Mako weirdly smiled at each other - I wanted to hit them both.

I elbowed Mako once the car sped down the road. He quickly turned to me, "What was that for?"

"Stop giving Korra googly eyes," I gritted. "Your girlfriend is right there."

He scoffed, "I'm not giving her googly eyes. And I know who and where my girlfriend is, thank you."

"You're welcome." I sarcastically smiled before turning away from him.

Once we went deeper into the city, it was all dark. There wasn't a light in sight.

"Why is the power out?"

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 1 > LOK [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Where stories live. Discover now