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Lyra (1)

We were back at the island, waiting for the arrival of Uncle Bumi. My arms were wrapped around my father, my head rested on his chest. "I completely lost it." I was referring to earlier.

"I saw." My father said. "I didn't know you had that sort of ability."

Before I could respond, General Iroh joined us. I removed myself from my father, turning my body to face Iroh.

"Thank you, General Iroh, for all of your help." My father bowed. Iroh did the same, "Of course."

He glanced over at me. I sighed, "There's something I need to tell you both." My father and mother turn to each other for a moment.

"General Iroh is my..." I try to find the right words. But there aren't really any. "He is my biological father."

My parents both widen their eyes. "What?"

Iroh interjected, "The moment I saw her I knew who she was."

My father slowly shook his head. "I never knew you had a daughter."

"My wife and I decided to keep it hidden. A society was still out there trying to over throw my grandfather and my mother. We didn't know what they'd do if they found out the fire lord had a granddaughter. Somehow, word got out and she was taken from us. We searched all around the Nation for her and other parts of the world. Still, we wanted to keep a low profile. But we never found her." He turned his head to me, a small smile appearing. "Until now."

"How did you know it was her?" My mother asked him.

I pulled down my shirt to reveal my birthmark on my shoulder, "He knew about this. And the color of my eyes gave it away too."

"This is truly remarkable. You were never interested in finding your biological family. Without even trying, he found you." My father told me. I nodded, "I know."

I frown as I look at Iroh, "I'm sorry for being cold to you earlier. I didn't know how to react - it was so sudden. I'd like you to know that I did inherit a part of you. Ever since I was little, I had an obsession with water and army ships. I'd sneak away from the island and go into the City to wait for yours and other fleets pass by on the docks. It's also how I met them." I glance over at Bolin and Mako. When Mako saw this, he walked over to us slowly. "I have a love for the ocean and sailing thanks to you."

Iroh smiled warmly. He placed his hand on my shoulder, "If it is okay with your parents, you are welcome to come back with me. You could meet your other family, see where you came from. We could sail the ocean together on any army ship of your choice."

I turn my head to my parents who send me a reassuring nod. "Whatever you want to do, we'll support it."

I then turn my head to Mako who stood at my side. He wore a solemn expression, but didn't say anything. I sighed, facing Iroh again. "Right now is not the time for me to pack up and leave. This is my home and this is where I belong. However, I would love to take you up on your offer someday soon."

Iroh smiles sadly. I pull him into a hug and he does the same. "I'm happy you found me. We'll see each other again." I tell him.

"Just give me a call and I'll be out here faster than a jet. Please, keep in contact."

"Of course."

We pull away and Iroh says his goodbyes to us. As we watch him depart on another ship, my father wraps his arm around me. I laugh lightly, realizing my reality. "If you put this all together, we're actually blood related..." I crinkle my nose at my father, "And we're cousins."

My father furrows his brows, "No! We are not!"  

"You're right," I shake my head quickly. "Let's forget about that. It's too weird."

"It does make you a princess." Jinora grinned.

"You're a pretty, pretty princess!" Ikki cheered happily.

Mako smirked down at me, "She's right. You're part of the royal family."

Now this is an epic plot twist.

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 1 > LOK [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Where stories live. Discover now