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Lyra (1)

"Wake up! Wake up!"

I groaned as I opened my eyes slowly and waited until my vision was clear. Meelo was grinning down at me with his eyes wide. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, "Are we here?"

"Nope! Not yet!" Meelo replied. I pouted, "Then why'd you wake me up?!"

We were currently on our way to the South Pole to see the Avatar and a special friend of mine, Korra.

I shivered after a moment and smiled, "We're almost there!"

I looked over and saw my mom holding onto her belly. I crawled next to her, "You okay mom?"

"I'm fine, but the baby is wide awake!" She chuckled. I placed my hand onto her belly and I felt all warm and happy as I felt my baby sister or brother kicking.

"Oh, I can't wait!" I clapped my hands together. "I wish they were still babies." I looked over to my younger siblings and sighed when I saw Meelo jumping onto our dad and Ikki repeatedly poking at him.

My eyes wandered to Jinora, the oldest of the air bending bunch, reading a book to herself. "They were a lot cuter back then."

After a few more hours, I felt like I couldn't take it anymore. Ikki kept repeating, "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Over and over again. And dad just kept answering back 'Yes Ikki..... yes Ikki'.

Meelo started to bite on dad's bald head and I left him there because it kept him quiet.

I felt a sense of relief when Oogi started to land and I'm pretty sure my dad did as well.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? It looks familiar! I know it, this is very familiar! Are we here yet? Are we here yet? Oh, please tell me we're here!"

"Yes Ikki. As I've been telling you for the last fifteen minutes, we are finally here."

Ikki exclaimed a 'Wee!' as she and Jinora made air scooters and went down Oogi's tail.

I started to help my mom but she waved me off, "Go say hi to Gran-Gran."

I nodded and slid off Oogi's tail and ran over to my father, siblings, and grandmother.

"Please help me." Tenzin said while Meelo was pulling on his ears. Gran-Gran chuckled as she took Meelo off from Tenzin's shoulders.

He waved his arms around with an unpleasant expression, "Unhand me strange woman!"

"That's your grandmother, Meelo."

Meelo airbended himself from her grasp and ran off. I shook my head while going over and giving Gran-Gran a hug. "Hello Gran-Gran."

"My, look how big you've gotten!" She doted as she hugged me. From over her shoulder, I saw Korra smiling at us.

I pulled away from my grandmother and ran to Korra. "Lyra!" We embraced in a tight hug and laughed together.

"I haven't seen you in so long!" I grinned. "You have to teach me some avatar fire bending moves!"

Korra nodded, "We'll have plenty of time for that."

I frowned as she walked toward my father. "Maybe not that much time..." I muttered.

I walked over to my father and mother while they talked with Gran-Gran. "All I want is one child like me! A nice nonbender who doesn't blast wind in my face every five seconds!"

"Mommy look! I'm a snow bender!" Meelo air bent all the snow off of him and let it land on my mom. She shook it all off then faced gran-gran again. "Were Tenzin and his siblings this crazy when they were kids?"

"Kya and Bumi certainly were." I smiled at the mention of Bumi and Kya. "But Tenzin has always been... rather serious."

I snickered at my father and he sighed. "Mother. Please." Once he saw Korra, he softly smiled. "Korra?"

Korra ran over to us and Tenzin placed his hands on her shoulders. "Look at you, so big and strong. You've grown into quite the young Avatar."

"Master Tenzin, I'm so glad you're here! I can't wait to get started!"

I frowned yet again, knowing she will not be pleased to why we came.

"Yes... well..." Tenzin sighed. "You're going to have to tell her sooner or later." Pema said. I nodded, agreeing.

"Wh- tell me what?" Korra asked with a worried tone. "You're not staying, are you?" Gran-gran frowned. My father sighed yet again, "I'm afraid not. We're only visiting for the night, then I have to return to Republic City."

"But- no, you're supposed to move here! You're supposed to teach me!"

"I'm sorry, Korra. Your airbending training is going to have to wait."

The mood was upsetting and I tried to lighten it up. I clapped my hands together, "Well, who's ready for some food?! Because I sure am!"

They all looked to me with frowns and I slumped my shoulders. "No, Lyra is right. You've had a long trip. Come, let's get started on dinner." Gran-gran said and persuaded us to follow her.

Later that night, everyone left the room so Tenzin could speak with Korra and members of the White Lotus. I, on the other hand, stayed seated next to Korra.

"So how long until you're ready to teach me airbending? A week? A month?" Korra asked.

"It could be much longer." Tenzin replied lowly. "I don't understand. Why are you making me wait?" Korra crossed her arms.

"I have a responsibility to Republic City. I'm one of its leaders and the situation there is very unstable right now."

"But you also have a responsibility to teach me! Believe me, I'd be happy to find another airbending Master, but you're the only one. We're stuck with each other."

"I wish there were another way."

"Wait! There is! If you can't stay here, then I'll go back to Republic City with you! It's perfect!"

I smiled, "I didn't think of that! She's right dad! There's plenty of room at the temple!"

One of the members across from us scoffed, "Absolutely not! The city is far too dangerous! Avatar Aang tasked us with keeping you safe while you mastered the four elements!"

"I get that, but I don't think keeping me locked up in this compound like a prisoner is what he had in mind." Korra replied.

"I know this is difficult to accept, but it's not the right time for you to come to the city."

Korra stood up, "Whatever." As she walked out of the room, I trailed behind her.

"Korra, wait up!"

Her pace quickened and I ran after her. I grabbed onto her shoulder, "Hey."

Korra turned to me with a frown. "How am I supposed to be the Avatar when they won't let me!"

I shook my head, "It's not Tenzin's fault. Republic City is a little coo-cooed out. But then again, I don't see why you can't come with us. Like you said, you are the Avatar."

Korra sighed, "I know."

I gave her a reassuring squeeze, "You'll find a way."

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 1 > LOK [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Where stories live. Discover now