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Lyra (1)

The back of my head stopped bleeding. Amado told my father that it's just scratched up. As for my my ankle, it isn't too severe. He gave me an ankle brace and crutches. I'll be able to walk without it in a couple of days.

I was adjusting the straps of my ankle brace so that it was comfortable. I stand up from my bed and begin to limp toward my crutches.

"I got 'em."

I turn my head and Mako removes himself from the doorway and walks over to them. He hands them to me and I thank him.

"How long were you standing there for?" I asked him. He shrugs, "Not that long. Pema made lunch. Are you hungry?"

I shake my head, "Not really. But I'll sit with you guys."

We walk together to the dining room. Mako helps me sit down and we watch Korra finish eating.

"The food tastes amazing, Pema." Korra compliments. "I'm finally starting to feel like myself again."

"We're so thankful you're home safe." My mother said before getting up.

"Let me help." Asami too gets up and helps my mother with the dishes.

"I'm thankful for you too." My mother smiles, kissing my head before leaving to the kitchen.

"Korra, I realize you've been through a lot. But I need to know everything that happened." My father tells her.

"Well, first off, Tarrlok isn't who he says he is. He's Yakone's son." Korra starts.

Beifong looks down in thought, "It all makes sense now. That's how Tarrlok was able to blood bend us without a full moon."

My father looked from Beifong back to Korra and I. "But how did you two escape? And where's Tarrlok?"

"Amon captured him..." Korra slightly frowned, "and took his bending."

My father widens his eyes, "What?"

"Yeah, he showed up out of nowhere." Korra looked at me with a slight frown. "He almost got us too."

"This is very disturbing news." My father was in distraught. "Amon is becoming emboldened - taking out a councilman, almost capturing the  Avatar," he glances at me. "my daughter... I fear Amon is entering his end game."

Mako grabs my hand and gives it squeeze. I turn to face him. "Are you sure you're not hungry?" He asks me again.

"Just a little thirsty." I sweetly smile.

He chuckles, "I'll make you some tea." Mako grabs the tea pot from the table then walks to the kitchen.

"I don't mean to put you on the spot, Lyra, but you should mention to them about Tarrlok's actions to you." Korra said.

I glare at her, thanks.

"What actions?!" My father's tone of voice was  intimidating. I wave him off, "It's nothing."

My father cocks a brow at me. "Lyra, please-"

"Really, dad. It's nothing." I grab the crutches that laid flat next to me then stand up. "I'm going to check on the tea."

I didn't want to tell my father about Tarrlok. It wouldn't matter anyway. Amon has him. What can they do now?

As I make my way over to the kitchen, my mother awkwardly scurries out. She shakes her head, "I wouldn't go in there."

I watch her walk away, confused. When I'm about to go in, I stop when I hear my name.

"I thought had something to worry about, but it I brushed it off because you said you and Lyra were just friends. And with Korra, I thought I was being delusional. But you've been keeping the truth from me this whole time." Asami said.

"The truth? About what?" Mako obliviously asks.

"You're really going to make me say it?"

"Yes! Because I don't know what you're talking about!"

"The kiss, Mako. I know."

I widen my eyes, how?!

Mako begins to stutter. "I- well-"


He heaves a sigh. "Bolin told you, didn't he?"


"Don't blame your brother for what you did. I thought you had feelings for Korra. But then I found out that you were in love with Lyra for years. Did you ever stop? Are you over her?" The more Asami questioned him, the more I wanted to walk in.

You were in love with me for years? And you didn't tell me? Are you over me?

"Look, things are crazy right now. Can we deal with our relationship problems later?" Mako asks.

"Well there might not be any relationship to worry about later." Asami snapped. When I heard her heels, I panicked. I turned around and tried to walk as fast as I could. But instead, I tripped and fell.

"Lyra, are you okay?!"

I freeze when Asami begins to help me up. I watch as she picks up my crutches then hands them to me. This is so awkward because I know but she doesn't know I know about what she knows.

"Y-yeah. Just moved a little too quick. Thanks." I put the crutches under my arms then continue on.

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 1 > LOK [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Where stories live. Discover now