
21 1 0

Sand is all I see,
But this is not a beach.
Nor is this a desert,
With coyotes seeking to eat.
No dead and dry leaves,
Or sea life to see,
It's not what I see.
All I see is a colony of dead bushes,
Worn out and dry.
I see no sign of human life.
Nor signs of a single animal.
Where am I?
Am I alone?
In this place I must now call home?
No sign of light or darkness
Casting no shadow or sunlight.
This is not a beach,
Not is it a desert.
But it is full of empty soft sand
In which I hope to gather.
Where am I now?
Far away from home.
Long gone from the real world.
Thinking of something to do that should've been done.
How come I'm here?
This is not where I belong...

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