
21 0 0

It is so divine
The path I've yet to take
As is an uttered oath
Given in to such a sight.
I witness my spirit leave
To the everlasting paradise
Hidden from my precious eyes
And into the shadows of utter zilch.
I wasn't taught any formality
As I reach the pearly gates [of hell]
Within the walls of the infinite pools;
A curtain to see all life live within.
To win such an uncertain fight
Is like achieving the end of regular
And earn the seat of immortality
Behind the benches of failure.
No such loss is as great as theirs
As flowers suffocate beneath my feet
Crying out to be imposed like the trees
Sunken into the great, great deep.

Hike the depths of the underground oceans
Implying salvation to a God left unspoken.
Breathing within a bubble of poison,
Gifted to those who don't comply loyalty.

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