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To take control of the ring.
And to be saved, but for only yourself.
An ego mind with no muse but your own.
Such disgust brought by the weak who cannot settle in.
Break our minds with such blunt force only to see that
Traumas speak louder than the snap of your words.
"Improve life? Never heard of such a foul thing!"
You wear disguises and hide behind treasures of gold.
Fingers displayed,
Harpes come to take what we so hoped to hold.

The Angels don't speak to us no more,
We have become a sickness,
A plague they must ignore.
No, but you do not care.
You hold your chin high thinking it's better to ignore.

The weary and sick.
They grow sick and grow old.
We are being ignored,
Sucked into the galaxy of raging maggots.
Not we are the cure to the future?
You do not think so.
You think YOU are the change bringing in a brighter sun.

But suns die, just like how we did when we were ignored.

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