Chapter 8

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AN:Ashley as a blue and green hummingbird above^^^^^^^^^

Ashley's POV:
My eyes widened. I quickly flew upwards. Hunter looked at Josh suspiciously.
"What do you mean 'Why do you smell like my mate'?" Josh asked. I quickly started flying above them, so I don't get caught. Hunter sniffed the air again.
"I don't know, but the smell is still there." Hunter said.
They looked up and Josh pointed at me. I gulped and flew back down. I perched on Hunter's shoulder and watched Josh. Hunter on the other hand was going in circles so he can actually see me. I just stared at Josh, my eyes bored into his. After a few minutes, Josh passed out. I shifted into a hawk and dragged Josh back to the pack house with Hunter following behind me.
'I can't believe I actually did that! He is going to be so pissed. I gotta do some training soon' I thought.
'Can I help?' Galaxy asked.
'Sure, you're the only one who can help either way.' I answered.
I dragged Josh into the living room of the pack house and set him on the couch with Heather.
'How do I get them to wake up?' I asked a Galaxy.
'Just snap your finger 3 times' she instructed.
I snapped my fingers 3 times and they woke up. They looked at each other and screamed. Heather shoved Josh off the couch and sat up
"What happened?" She asked.
"I accidentally made you fall asleep" I answered sheepishly.

Heather's POV:
I stared at me cousin in shock.
"You mean you found 1 of your pow-" I started to ask.
Ashley quickly cut me off and said, "Yes, I am talking about that."
"Oh ok" I got up and went to my room.
Ashley came in and whispered, "Do NOT tell anyone about my powers."
"Why are you whispering?!" I asked.
"They are werewolves! They have enhanced hearing!" She whispered/yelled.
"Oh, right I forgot about that" I mumbled.
We sat down and started to play Call of Duty.
"I WIN AGAIN!" Ashley exclaimed as she stretched.
"You cheated!" I accused.
"I did not! You said that for the last 99 rematches" Ashley said.
"1 last time please" I begged.
"Fine! 1 last time though" she muttered.
I cheered and got ready to play.
"See I win, again!" Ashley said.
I huffed, "Fine! You win, but next time I will beat you for sure"
"Sure you will" Ashley said with a tiny little smirk.
Josh barged in and yelled, "ROUGES! EVERYONE TO THE SAFE HOUSE NOW!"

Ashley's POV:
I grabbed Heather by the arm and dragged her to the safe house.
"Stay here" I ordered.
"What about you? You can't go out there!" She said.
"I'm a you know what now go!" I spoke in a firm tone.
She nodded and gave me a tight hug.
"Be careful, Ashley" she mumbled before going into the safe house.
I quickly shifted into a panther. When I got to where the fight was a rouge jumped on top of me. I quickly shook him off and went to help the others. 3 rouges started to circle me. They started snapping their jaws at me. I hissed at them and they all backed up a bit. 1 of them decided to lunge at me so I quickly dodged. The rouge ended up tackling the 2 other rouges. I shifted into a black bear. I growled and everyone looked my way. The rouges all charged at me. As they got closer I started to swat them away with my massive paws. I now stood on my hind legs hitting all the rouges that came my way. The pack just stood there in shock. The last rouge looked at all the dead rouges and started backing away. I shifted into a cougar and launched myself at him. He whimpered and curled up into a tiny ball. I was now covered in blood so I sat down and took my time to clean myself. An ear piercing growl came from behind the trees. A larger rouge appeared. I hissed and licked my sharp teeth. He stalked towards me as I kept my eyes on him. We circled each other before I swiftly tackled him to the ground. In an instant he was laying motionless on the ground. I whimpered when I noticed all the blood on my paws. I started cleaning myself again. Heather jumped on top of me and started crying.
"I'm so happy you're alright, Ashley!" She exclaimed.
I shifted back and gave her a tight hug.
"I will always be alright" I whispered in her ear.
"Come on! I wanna beat you in Call of Duty this time" she said with determination in her voice.
I chuckled before I followed her into the living room.

AN:That's the end of Chapter Eight! Hope you liked it😝

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