Chapter 27

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AN: I'm back everyone!

Ashley's POV:

I walked through the wood when a twig snapped behind me. I swiftly turned with a sword in my hand.

"Woah! Are you trying to kill your own mate?"

"It's ex-mate" I said to Ashton with a glare.

"Fine, ex mate. Geez! Where are you going though? There are rouges out there!" Ashton asked.

"Did you forget that my mother said that I have training to do? Seriously, you're really stupid sometimes... or should I say all the time" I shifted into a blue bird and flew up, high into the sky so Ashton wouldn't be able to follow me. I flew towards the middle of the forest and changed into a wolf as my mother instructed me to. There was a growl, and my brother launched himself at me. I barked and launched back. I bit him in the hind leg and he let out a whimper. Justin attacked me from behind after he got out of my hold. I whimpered and struggled to get out. When I finally get out, Lorraine appeared (their trainer).

Lorraine was holding a sharp sword that had a black shine to it. She tossed it to me and tossed the same sword with a red shine to Justin. Justin caught it with ease while I played around with mine.

"You must learn how to control your powers and keep your emotions in check. First you must practice sparring. Ready... set... GO!"

I immediately launched at Justin with my sword pointed towards him. He blocked it and I went again. We kept practicing until Daphne appeared our if nowhere.

"Kids, it's time for dinner. We're worried about you guys... You skipped lunch. Come eat now"

"Ok mom, Justin could you put away my sword?" I tossed my sword at Justin.

"Sure thing" He grabbed the sword midair and went to the weapon room.

I sprinted to the pack house, racing Justin and Lorraine. I came to a halt and tried to mask my shock. Standing in front of the door was Lorraine, sitting on a beautiful Snow White horse who had blue eyes that look like sapphires! The horse walked to me and bowed her head.

"This is Sapphire, she will be your new horse" Lorraine hopped off and handed me the reins.

I took the reins and hopped on. I sat with a straight back and looked forward. I flicked the reins and Sapphire trotted to the stables. I am already in love with her😍

I jumped off and handed her to the stable hands before teleporting to the kitchen.  Sat down with everyone and as they started to dig into their food greedily. I finished my food when there was a knock. I walked to the door and opened it warily. There stood a strange looking man. He wore a cape and underneath I could see a white feathered wing. He had tan skin and a muscular frame. His hair was a dark chocolate brown. His eyes were the strangest out of it all. One eye was red and black while the other was white and blue. He looks familiar...

AN: I was going to leave at that but I decided to be nice since it's Thanksgiving and I have some time so... enjoy!

The man stepped in not caring if I knew him or not. He broke down the kitchen door and I saw him take his cape off. He was covered with scars and scratches. My mother got up and welcomed him.

"Everyone, this is Damian. He is a new guard, he's an angel and part devil. He has a dark past so please don't ask him questions about it. If you do your head will cut into pieces. He is a very powerful man and he doesn't like to talk much so please don't ask questions about anything." Damian sat down in my seat and just well... sat there.

He was silent and sat still and barely moved a muscle.


At night I was going to get a cup of water when I ran into a really hard wall. I looked up and turns out it was Hunter.


And he was shirtless😳. I quickly covered my eyes.

"Ashley? What are you doing up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep so I decided to get some water." I replied.

AN: Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I'll try to update soon

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