Chapter 29

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Ashley's POV:

I woke up to find myself stranded in a room full of darkness. What happened to me?

My eyes immediately opened and I sat up. Well... I tried to get up. There were wires and tubes attached to me and even worse

There were NEEDLES!

I'm terrified of needles. You might be thinking the powerful shape shifter and soon to be moon goddess is afraid of needles? How stupid well I've always been afraid.

I don't find it painful but when I go to the doctors I hear screams and cries when people get shots. I guess the fear decided to spread to me. I'm fine with shots but I just don't like the sight of needles. I quickly took the needle out and the tubes and wires. I sat up with wires and stuff tossed onto the floor carelessly.


I was discharged once they saw that I was better and I left quickly to go to the forest.

"Lorraine?" I called out.

Lorraine stepped out and instantly rushed out to me.

"You're not training now! You're in bed rest for the rest of the month!" Lorraine scolded.

I rolled my eyes, " I was actually wondering if you wanted to go on a trail ride. I'm bored of staying in the hospital and in the pack house. The people there are boring"

She smiled and whistled. Two beautiful Snow White horses appeared. One I recognized as Sapphire and the other was a Friesian who was about the same height as Sapphire. He had obsidian black eyes and there was a strange mark between his eyes. I looked closer and gasped, it was the mark of a demon.

"This is a blood stallion. A creature that is found in the underworld. I also have a blood mare in the stables. They are quite rare and demons used them to travel. They're smart, swift, and the corrupted ones are evil. Mine are non corrupt so they're the sweetest, most adorable things ever!"  Lorraine mounted her horse, Flare and galloped away. I hopped onto Sapphire and chased after her. We played tag on our horses until the sun started to set. Sapphire trotted to a cliff and I hopped off. Me and Lorraine watched as the sun slowly disappeared and kissed the mountains goodnight before hiding under the covers and as the moon woke up to cast a shadow over the world. I smiled at the moon and I felt as if it smiled back but that's not possible... right? I hopped back on Sapphire and galloped back to the stables.


I gave Hunter a quick peck on the lips before laying down on our bed. Hunter wrapped his arms around me and a blanket of warmth covered us. I was almost asleep when I heard a whisper.

"I love you Ashley"

I smiled as my eyes closed and I fell into a pit of darkness called sleep.

AN: not a long chapter, I know. Sorry, I'll try updating as soon as possible

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