Chapter 1

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I totally forgot about updating because I actually had a life this weekend and had to help my aunt move out of town.

Anyways here's chapter 1 of Surreal! I REALLY hope you like it!

Let me know your thoughts throughout the chapter and I'll see you guys next week.

Love you guys! Thanks for everything!

Make sure you fan & become apart of the wolf pack!


Previously on Daydreams...

Dear Dylan,

No one really understands why I’m doing this to myself. I don’t even know half the time. I’m proving myself.  I’d rather deal with you in my head all day now rather than push you away with Mason.

“Carter-” “No we’re not!” I screamed, throwing the dagger from my boot his way. My heart stopped once I realized what I had done. I almost pissed myself to see Mason had caught it, right in front of his face.

Dear Carter,

God I just love you so much. I don’t understand how I could never tell you that. I tried, back at the hospital. When security was kicking me out, I tried screaming that I loved you. But you didn’t hear me.

“What about Mason?” Talia asked. “He- he’s not normal. I just get this feeling he’s dangerous…” 

“Listen Holland, we’re never getting back together okay? I know that. She knows that. And I am honestly, just trying to be okay with that.”

She was quiet for a while.

“She’s dating someone else.”

I think I just felt the whole world collapse around me.

I don’t know what made my skin crawl more. The fact that we were in the back of a cop car, or the fact that there were two dead bodies on the Sheriff’s doorstep, as promised.

“Damen was killed?” I repeated.

“Wait guys shut up! Who else was killed?” Tessa spoke up.

“Aiden Carver.”

“I don’t know. All I know is the police think we did this.” I ran a hand through my hair.

“Who could have?” Allison looked around.

“You don’t think Mason did this?” I gulped.

“No. Besides Damen I smell no traces of distinctive werewolf anywhere.” Holland looked around.

“Then it’s human?” Talia crossed her arms.

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