Chapter 17

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Things couldn't get more awkward with Dylan and I. Actually, scratch that, they were getting awkward.

"Dylan move over to Selena's left."


Dylan nods slightly and takes a seat beside me in the computer lab. State testing wasn't my forte. And as if test taking wasn't enough, I have to do it by Dylan.

Now even if we were still dating I hate sitting by Dylan during tests.

A series of pops makes me cringe as Dylan pushes his knuckles down.

And now you see why. When Dylan's nervous, he pops everything. That was always one of my biggest pet peeves with him.

After ten minutes, he's at it again. I look over at him.

"Stop." I whisper.

"Sorry." He clears his throat. How we didn't just get caught talking I have no idea. All that I know is this is the longest hour of my life. Everything about Dylan is not only annoying but intriguing. Why does he have to be so... himself? This is hard enough on me.

I just, I can't believe I imagined the whole thing.

There's no way.

I shake my thoughts clear, but I can't focus on the excerpt from Lès Miserables.

He extends his hand out and stretches it. I close my eyes. So easy to just grab. God does he know how much pain he's putting me through?

The bell rings, and I can't even hear the teacher. I exit out of my test and walk out of there as fast as I can.

I wish Dylan wasn't here. He is a constant reminder of why everyone thinks I'm crazy. And I was never really friends with other girls besides Holland, which is pathetic. That was because I never thought I'd lose Holland.

God I miss Holland. Sometimes-

"Shit." I swear as I run head first into someone's chest.

"Oh f*ck I'm sorry shortie."

I bend down and retrieve my books.

I look up. "It's fine." I brush the guy off.

The guy looks me over. "What's your name?"

You're kidding me. I roll my eyes and hoist up my backpack. "It's Carter."

"Carter.." He smiles. "I'm Ashton."

"Well lovely to meet you Ashton but-" "Hello."

I close my eyes. Impeccable timing Dylan.

"Hi." Ashton's confident sense doesn't fade.

"What are we talking about?" Dylan looks down at me.

"Nothing. Do you mind?" I hiss.

"Not at all. Continue your conversation." Dylan puts his hands in his pockets, making it clear that Ed by going anywhere.

Ashton looks at me. "Who's this guy?" He mouths.

That's a very good question.

Dylan scoffs. I turn to him. "Dylan, would you like to answer that?" I raise an eyebrow.

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