Chapter 3

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I was never one to like hospitals.

But then again who was?

But I hate our hospital. Hester, Oregon has the most annoying hospital ever. Well, in my opinion.

Then again I wasn't familiar with most hospitals despite my lack of cordination.

But my opinion still stands.

The nurses here sucked ass.

"You're not allowed to move that much Ms. Evans." The nurse scowled at me.

I groaned.

"I'm moving my hand to change the channel! I'm pretty sure last time I checked I didn't need 38 stitches in my hand okay?" I hissed.

"You're still prohibited to-" "Fine."

I couldn't even cross my arms and pout because I could open my stitches.

Also another thing that sucks is that in ICU, the doors are clear. The walls are a dull white. And of course, florescent lighting.


I heard my mom arguing down the hall and I groaned.

She hated bitch nurses as much as I did.

Second time in the hospital in three months now that I think about it... Wow Carter! Personal record!

"I want to see her!" "I don't think that's a good idea."

I turned and saw my mother fighting with none other than Mr. Hardheaded Dylan Mace.

"Look-!" Dylan hissed. He stepped closer and started talking in a lower voice.

My mother soon nodded and let him slip in.

What could he have said? My mother hates Dylan!

I didn't say anything, but I did grip my blankets just thinking about the dream last night.

I couldn't even look at him, I think it would hurt too much.

"Are you okay?" He asked quickly.

I finally looked up for a second. His eyes showed so much emotion, almost like guilt. I looked down again.

"Yeah." I answered.

I mean, my stomach was sore but I could barley feel it with all these pain pills.

"Carter what happened?" He whispered.

"I don't know." I shrugged, keeping my eyes trained on the blanket I was fidgeting with.

"Carter look at me." He slowly tugged at my chin, making me meet his eyes once again. Just the feeling of his skin touching mine sent my body in a frenzy for more.

"What happened? Was it Mason?! Because I swear to God if he hurt you I'll-" "It wasn't Mason." I assured.

"Carter," he looked around before pulling up a seat.

"Your mom said it looked like claw marks." He whispered.

One thing I hated about Dylan, was his effect on me. I literally got turned on by his voice. Even if it's just talking about how I got hurt- I mean what is wrong with me?!

"It did." I nodded.

"So a werewolf did this?"

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