Chapter 16

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"She seems to be perfectly normal. This isn't quite common but it's happened. People have such intense dreams while they're sleeping that they believe it's reality. It usually wears off once they realize it was just a bad dream." The doctor explains.

"But it wasn't a dream! It was real! This is what is not real!" I banter.

"If it doesn't get better in a few days, call." The doctor tells my mom before exiting with her.

I shake my head. This is ridiculous.

I reach for my phone and call Dylan.

After five rings, he picks up.

"Yeah?" I cringe at his tone.



"Um, what are you doing?" I ask.

"Just about to shower." he sounds impatient. He only gets impatient with me if he's mad.

"Are you okay?" You would think the question would be toward me, since I'm the one in the hospital.


"Dylan-" "Carter are we done here? I'm in a hurry."

I hesitate and gulp. "Yeah."

He hangs up.

Everything is wrong. This can't be happening. This- please don't let this be real. It can't be.

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