Chapter 7

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"Dying? What?"

Dylan seemed so heartbroken. Dylan's had the luck of never losing a close family member.

"I can't feel my stomach. When you touched it earlier, I winced because of memory, not pain."

"But that doesn't mean you're dying Carter I-" "Dylan, I am dying. I can't heal. I'm losing feeling. My memory is fuzzy. These aren't the exact signs of life."

"We're putting you back in the hospital." "No! I just got out!"

"I'm not losing you, for a third time." His voice soft, but edgy.

"You're not gonna lose me." I assure. But I'm lying. I don't know anything.

"Come on," he pulls me again. "I don't want to go-" "I'm not taking you to a hospital."

I peer.

"Then where are we going?"

He examines me. "A temporary saluter."


"We can't leave my aunt and Holland to create a plan against Cody and Allison!" I hiss at him.

I am throwing the biggest hissy fit and Dylan pays no attention to me.

"Relax. Alex is there too."

I scoff. "Oh? Holland's boyfriend. Comforting." I roll my eyes.

"He's my best friend-" I shot him a dirty look. "He's my best guy friend. I trust him."

"You trusted Cody."

Dylan sighs and tightens his hand on the wheel.

"You're not making this whole 'dating' thing easier for me."

This quieted me. I knew I was annoying and irritating. It amazed me that someone like Dylan would love someone like me.

I'm nothing but average, if that.

"You're more than average." He comments.

Oh yeah. Wow it sucks having someone be able to pop in my head whenever they want.

"Sorry. I'll try to stop. I just- when you get quiet like that..." He shutters.

This makes me smile. "You're amazingly insecure for someone as hot as you are."

He looks over and gives me a crooked smile.

"I love you." He grabs my hand.

"I love you Dyl." I squeeze his hand.

We pull into a gated community. "Password?"

"Fancy." I raise an eyebrow.

"Not the password." Dylan smirks at me.

I stick my tongue out at him.

As Dylan leans out of the window to speak, I can't help but admire his arms. They had gotten a bit bigger and tanner over the summer.

"Caroline." Dylan speaks into the wall.

The gated community opens.

We drive a little ways before a mansion comes into view.

Dylan parks in front and looks over at me. Eyes, so blue, so innocent.

"You know how they say that you learn something new every day?"

I nod, urging him to go on.

"This is my uncle's place. He's an alpha." "Are alphas born into money or what?" I speak as I gaze the house.

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