Chapter 2

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Happy early 4th of July my fellow Americans!

I literally wrote this chapter at least 4 different times. But I finally decided on this draft. I was going to make it a lot more messed up lol but nah my poor Carter has gone through enough.

Thank you guys for being so supportive!

Oh! I'm going to visit a special someone next week so if updates are delayed for 2-3 weeks then that's why! I should be back by the end of July!

I love you guys! See you next week!

P.S: Please leave your theories in the comment's I'd love to read them!

P.S.S: Don't forget to vote and fan to become apart of the wolf pack!


“How is he?” I sat on Dylan’s bed.

So many memories in this bed.

I had lost my virginity in this bed.

So many stolen kisses in this bed. So many laughs. Movie nights.

Fights. Foreplay. Everything.

The memories just kept flashing. Every touch. Every kiss.

I’ve always said this bed wasn’t made for two, but we made it work.

Best friends, lovers, or f*ck buddies, we always fit on this bed, cuddled up together.

In a way I wish I could just forget it all. Start fresh and be me again.

But then I remember I’m not myself around anyone but Dylan. Dylan understood me.

And what we felt was mutual. We both loved each other; it was just too late.

I missed it too.

I missed the feeling of falling asleep in his arms then waking up that way. Maybe sometimes we wouldn’t wake up in the best of ways, but it didn’t matter.

I missed us.

“Carter?” Cody cut into my thoughts.

I looked up.

“You’re crying.”

I wiped my face.

“Sorry, didn’t notice I guess.”

“You okay?” He asked softly, pushing his blonde hair out of his eyesight.

“Yeah. You just can’t escape memories…” I sighed.

He was quiet for a while.

“He’s not good, to answer your question. He’s drinking pretty heavily lately. He hasn’t been the same ya know? He’s barley around.”

I scrunched my face up and made a high pitched whine, trying to avoid the tears that came anyway.

“It’s all my fault.” my voice was so high. It only did that when I was avoiding a break down.

“No Carter it’s not.”

“Yes it is! Everything that’s happening is my fault.” I shook my head.

“Carter-” he cut himself off and got quiet.

“Cody what-” “Shh!” He hissed.

He peered into my room as he barley pushed the curtain back.

Out of curiosity, I joined him.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Three officers were questioning Mason.

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