Chapter 15

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I throw the first thing my hand can find, at Dylan's head.

"You mentioned her!" My heart is pounding as I scream.

He ducks.

"You know I hate Taylor! She was a d*ck to you and I had to put up with it! I had to hide it! I had the bad hand in that relationship! And by some miracle, the bitch is dead and you still find a way to bring her back to life! Do you know how much that hurts me!" I launch a hairbrush at him.

"Stop throwing things at me!"

"Why the f*ck did you have to bring her up! Do you think I haven't been through enough shit for one day! I just watched my best friend's murder die and you go and have the balls to ask about Taylor?!" I push my lamp off my dresser, watching it shatter as the room goes dark.

"Good going Carter." Dylan scoffs.

I hear Dylan walking toward me, but I don't want to be anywhere near him.

"Stop!" I yell at him, backing up. He doesn't listen. "Don't touch me." I warn.

"Carter-" he places his hand on my arm.

"I said don't f*cking touch me-" I stumble back and land on my butt, and I scream.


Pain shoots through my arm.

"My arm!" I cry out in misery, thrashing in Dylan's hold.

"F*ck I think you got glass in your arm." He turns on the flashlight on his phone.

"Carter we need to get you to a hospital now." "No! If- if my mom finds out I'm f*cked." I pant, crying out as my arm stings more by the second.

"I'm not letting you bleed out. Hate me later." He helps me, picking me up in his arms, racing out of the door.

I can't focus on anything as time seems to be going in slow motion. I squeeze Dylan's arm for as long as I can remember before we're in a hospital.

"Someone help!" Dylan's voice is clear in my fuzzy thoughts. I'm zoning out of reality as my pain seems to fade, and everything stops.

*  *  *

The burn in my arm is unbearable as I regain consciousness.

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