Chapter 5: Part 1

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The amount of deaths in Hester, Oregon has been unreasonable lately.

First Damen and Aiden.

Next Mason. When I got the call that Becka was the next victim found, I sobbed into Dylan's shirt for two hours.

So I sit here, in my hospital bed, passing a carton of Ben & Jerry's around the room.

"This isn't healthy for your sugar." Dylan whispered to me.

"Maybe it will put me in another coma." I mumbled.

Dylan growled, making all of us look at him.

"Don't you ever say that again!"

His harsh tone made me wince slightly, but I quickly recovered.

"You don't get it Dylan! People are dying because of me!"

"Do I look like I care?! You don't ever wish death upon yourself!"

I rolled my eyes. He was really going to cause a scene now.

"Hey, calm it. Why don't we talk about how Cody's controlling you?" Talia spoke up.

That made my stomach start to turn. I don't know how Cody's controlling me. I mean, we're not even sure it's Cody! I'm going off of a dream here!

"Stop it!" Dylan hissed at me.

"Stop what?"

"Stop doubting that it's Cody! It's Cody!"

We all looked at him oddly.

"I said nothing about doubting Cody."

"Yeah but you-" he cut himself off. "Your face did." he retorted.

I scunched my eyebrows at him. We definantly needed to talk later.

Dylan and I had a lot to talk about, including our relationship.

He called me his best friend yesterday. Does that mean we're just friends?

But we said we loved each other?


"Sorry to interupt ma'am but we lost your birthday. What was it again?" A nurse popped in.

"She just turned seventeen." Dylan stated.

"She means a date." I rolled my eyes. "7-2-97." "Thank you." She smiled and exited.

"Why didn't she just ask your mom?" Allison asked. "My mom keeps saying I'm fifteen." I rolled my eyes.

I swear I will always be one to five years younger than I actually am, to my mother.

"When's the service?" Tessa asked. "We're not sure. Becka's parents aren't exactly fond of her new found friends." Allison rolled her eyes.

"And she was the bad one." Josie nodded. Talia smacked Josie's arm. "Don't speak ill of the dead."

"How are all these people dying anyways?" Allison looked at me and Dyl like we knew.

"We're not in a possition to find how they're dying."

They nodded,

The air was just, tense!

"So when do you get out of the hospital?" Talia asked.

"Tomorrow." And I couldn't wait! I was dying to shave and shower! They're scared to fully let me shower so I've been living off sponge baths.

The girls looked around at each other.

"Fine I'll say it! What the hell are you doing here?" Josie looked at Dylan.

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