Chapter 9- it's called team work

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We all headed down to the lobby once we got ready to go bowling. Of course, we had to tell my uncle first. He gave Austin the keys to the rental car so we wouldn't have to take a taxi. Once we finally got there, we all got our shoes and a bowling balls.
"How about we split up? The losing team has to buy the winning team dinner." Austin said. We all agreed.
"I'm with Alex!" Robert and zach said at the same time
"Then I'm with Jasmin." Austin said and looked at me. I smiled softly and nodded, looking at the boys.
"Get ready to Lose guys."
They laughed, telling us that we would be the ones buying them food.

It was almost the end of the game, and we were tied. We needed to make a strike to win.
"We have to make a strike." Austin said to me, running his fingers through his hair. It was my turn, but I felt like I couldn't do that.
"I haven't made a strike this whole time, though."
"You have to try. I believe in you."
"I don't know..."
He grabbed my hands and brought me closer to him,"you will..." He said and kissed my cheek softly. I smiled and nodded, waking over and grabbing the bowling ball. I looked over at Austin, knowing I couldn't make it.
"Here, we can try and make the strike together."
He wrapped his arms around my waist and held my hand as we held the bowling ball. He swung my arm back, and when we releases the bowling ball, I turned around and buried my face on his chest, not wanting to look. I could hear the pins dropping and Austin whispering,"come one." Multiple times.
The guys started yelling and Austin yelled even louder, picking me up and spinning me around. I laughed and saw we made a strike, meaning we beat the guys.
"We did it!" I smiled and hugged him, wrapping my legs around his waist and giggled as he spun me around.
When he finally set me down, the guys looked mad.
"You guys cheated!" Robert said.
"How did we cheat?" Austin asked laughing.
"Because you helped her." Zach said looking just as annoyed as Robert.
"It's called team work. You guys owe us dinner."
I smiled and heard them complaining.
"It's just a game, guys."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Alex groaned and I looked at Austin, laughing with him.
I took off my bowling shoes as I sat on a chair. I looked at Austin and watched him walk to the guys, but it looked like he was whispering.

Austin's POV

After Jasmin and I won, we all decided we should head back to the hotel. I watched Jasmin go sit on the chair to take off her bowling shoes. Before I changed into my shoes, I walked over to the guys.
"I need to talk go you guys." I said seriously.
"We will buy you guys dinner, don't worry." Alex said.
"No, it's not that, I'm talking about the bet." I whispered so Jasmin wouldn't hear.
"Oh yeah! How's it going? Have you guys done anything." Zach smirked and the guys laughed.
"It doesn't matter, but I want to call it off. I really like her. She's really sweet and I don't want to hurt her."
"So that means we win the bet!" Robert said loudly.
"Shh, And yeah sure, I'll give you guys the money when we get to the hotel. Just don't tell Jasmin about it, or anyone, promise?" I asked them.
They all nodded, agreeing, and we did our handshakes. I walked back over to Jasmin and sat down next to her, putting on my shoes.

Jasmin's POV

I saw as Austin was talking to the guys, but he seemed to be whispering. All I heard was Robert saying that they won. What did they win? I was confused. Were they talking about the bowling game? Maybe not, because Austin and I had won.
I saw Austin come back to me and he put on his shoes. I wanted to ask him what he was talking about with the guys, but I didn't want to be nosy. Once we all changed into our shoes, we took them up to the counter and walked out. A few girls recognized Austin, and asked for pictures. He was nice enough to stop and take pictures with all of them. I was just talking to the guys while we waited, and I noticed the girls were looking at me weirdly. They were probably confused as to why I was with Austin, Robert, Alex, and Zach. Once Austin was done, We got in the car and Austin started driving back to the hotel.
"So what are you guys going to get us, since we won?" Austin smirked and looked at the guys, then back at the road.
"It's a surprise." Alex said.
"I looked over at them and laughed,"a surprise? How lovely." I said sarcastically. They better not get us something gross.
When we got to the hotel, we all headed to the elevator and clicked on our floor. Once it landed on our floor, we walked to out rooms. I walked into mine and Austin's, but he told me he'd be there in a second. I nodded and left him outside talking to the guys. A few minutes later, he walked into the room smiling, and sat down next to me on my bed.
"Hi beautiful." He grinned, and I smiled.
"What's up with you?" I laughed a bit, seeing he looked overly excited.
"'Nothing, I'm just in a good mood." I put my phone down and sat up a bit. He laid down and put his head on my lap, looking up at me.
"Well that's good, I think." It was good that Austin was in a good mood. I mean, he usually always was, but when he got mad, it got me annoyed because he'd overreact over little things.
I watched him lay down and place his head on my lap. I ran my fingers through his hair, messing it up.
"Hey!" He said and grabbed my hands,"don't touch the hair." He smirked.
I giggled softly,"why not?" I let go of his hands and ran my fingers through his hair again, making pieces of his hair stick up.
"Jasmin." He whined
"Austin." I whined, copying him.
He sat up and tried to fix his hair. He looked at me like he was mad, but I knew he was holding in his laugh.
"Are you ticklish?" He smirked lightly.
"No! Don't even think about that!" I stood up quickly and got off the bed. Running into the living room.
"Jasmin, come back here!" I could hear him yelling. I watched him get closer and I ran back into the room, screaming.
He grabbed my waist and laughed,"got you!"
I turned around to face him, laughing. "No, don't even think about doing that." I said backing up and trying to get out of his grip. I held his hands, but he started to tickle me,"Austin!" I said laughing and fell into the bed,"s-stop!" I said still laughing. I tried to grab his hands, but it was impossible. He got on top of me and kept tickling me. I screamed and kept laughing, "p-please." I was able to manage in between my laugh.
He finally stopped and held my hands, putting them on each side of my head. After a while, my laughing calmed down and I looked at him, seeing a big smile on his face.
"You're so mean." I said in a sad face, but that only made him laugh.
"And you're so beautiful." I watched as he got closer to my face, and I looked into his beautiful eyes.
"Thank you." I whispered as he got closer. I looked at his lips, then back into his eyes, seeing he was looking at my lips. My heartbeat increased as he started to lean in. Our lips met and we started to kiss, our lips moving together at the same time. He slowly let go of my hands and placed his hands on my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we continued to kiss. I felt his tongue run along my lips and I smirked lightly. I wasn't going to let him in that easily. His hand moved up sides and he squeezed it gently, making me gasp. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue inside my mouth. Of course he would do that, he was never patient. I placed a hand on the back of his neck, and ran my fingers through his hair, tangling my fingers in his hair. We continued to kiss, and he slowly pulled away, looking into my eyes, our chests rising up and down. He placed another kiss on my lips and then moved down to my neck. I bit my lips gently and moved my head to the side, feeling his lips against my neck. He started to gently suck on my weak spot and I bit my lip harder to try not to make any noise. Once he started to suck on my skin, I moaned softly, feeling his tongue along my skin. He stopped and blew cold air on the part of my neck he was working on, making shivers run down my spine. He smirked lightly and kissed my lips again.
"Guys is pizza okay- whoa, sorry." I pulled away from the kiss and Austin looked behind, seeing Alex at the doorway.
"Shit, I'm sorry. I just wanted to know if pizza was okay."
I blushed and moved Austin away from me.
"Yeah, pizza is fine." Austin said and Alex nodded, quickly leaving the room. Once he closed the door, Austin ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up more than I already had.
"Where were we?" He smirked and I laughed.
"Ugh, Alex saw us making out."
"He always does this."
"What do you mean?"
"Last time, at the party, he cut us off while we were kissing."
"Oh." I laughed a bit and watched his eyes travel down.
"What?" I asked, wondering what he was looking at.
"Nothing." He smiled, still looking down.
"No, don't do that, tell me!" I always hated when people say nothing, when I know it was something. He got closer to me and I noticed he was looking at me neck. "This." He said and pointed to a part on my neck. I frowned and got off the bed, walking to the mirror. There I saw it, a big mark that Austin had left.
"Austin!" I groaned seeing how big it looked. I didn't want my uncle, Michele, or the guys to see it.
"Yes?" He asked innocently and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me from behind.
"They're going to see it."
"I don't mind." He chuckled softly and placed small kisses on my neck again.
"Because you're the the one with a big hickey on their neck." I sighed and turned to him, making him stop kissing my neck.
"Don't be mad at me."
I sighed softly and he pulled me closer,"I really like you." He finally said after a long pause. I didn't know what to say.
"I like you too." I smiled. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back, but then I heard a phone ring. I knew it was mine. "Austin, wait." I said against his lips.
"Let it ring." He mumbled and continued to kiss me.
I finally pulled away from the kiss,"no, hold on. It's probably my parents." I got out of his arms and went to answer my phone, seeing it was my mom.
"Hi mom!" I said, trying to get my breath back.
"Sweetie, how are you?"
"I'm good, how are you and dad?"
I watched Austin walk over to me and take out his phone, going on twitter.
I continued to talk to my mom, telling her that the tour was about to start, and where we were right now. She said she was going to call my uncle later, and to be safe.
"I will mom." I said.
"I'll call you later, okay sweetie. I love you."
"Love you too mom, bye." I hung up and put my phone down. I watched Austin lock his phone and place it down as well.
"Do you miss your parents?" He asked me.
"Yeah, I guess. I don't really get to see them that often, so I'm used to it. They're always on business trips." I shrugged.
"Well, I'm glad they are, or I probably wouldn't have met you."
I smiled and heard a knock on the door. Austin stood up and opened it, seeing it was the guys.
"Are you guys done." Robert asked, nudging Austin. I rolled my eyes playfully and watched them walk in, carrying two boxes of pizza and plates. We all got out pizza and started to eat. From the two weeks I've been with him and the guys, I've gotten really close to them. I was glad I got to spend my summer with them, and now Austin's first concert was tomorrow. That made me more excited because I have never seen him perform. The rest of the night, we just watched movies.

I know that it seems like they haven't known each other for two weeks, but let's pretend they have !
Anywho, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :) I really enjoyed writing this one hehe.
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