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"Shit!" Alex cursed, gasping for air. Thank god, she thought leaning into the pillows of her room. The thought of her being in debt for a year, due to the fact she didn't have an ambulance made her want to die of crippling anxiety. She looked around and noticed she didn't have white sheets, or grey walls. Sitting up she looked around when memories starting to flood through her brain. Getting hit by a car. Nice one you idiot. She thought to herself as she stood up in sweatpants and a short sleeve shirt. Walking around the small room she opened the door to reveal a small apartment. She walked around when she smelt burnt toast. Walking out to the living room there sat Anthony eating toast, reading the paper.

"Hey! Your up! How are you feeling?" He asked holding the bandage wrapped around her head. She felt fine except for a little sharp pain in the back of her head. "So what happened again?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"I hit you with my car. You were going so fast even when I hit the breaks it still didn't prevent the crash. Where were you going anyway? You have money and all your personal information in that small bag..."

"Uhhh. Long story, I'll talk about it later. Anyway, I thought I was going to the hospital?"

"I didn't call. Since you told me not too."

"Cool. I was afraid you were gonna give me bill from the hospital or something." She sighed in relief, stretching.

"Do you want a ride home? Since your bike is broken..." Shit. That was my only ride. The girl thought to herself and nodded. The car ride was silent. She was trying to make the best out of the uncomfortable silence but failed miserably. He walked her up to the door of her apartment and frowned seeing the door broken down. Everything seemed to make sense to him. Probably an insane ex or abusive relationship, Anthony thought to himself before speaking.

"Everything okay?"

"Oh yeah! It's just a little scratch on the door." He smirked watching her pick up the broken half of the door. She stopped and laughed, "A little ex boyfriend trouble. No biggie." He nodded running his fingers through his long hair. "Since you lied to me that you had a car. Let me know if you need a personal taxi." He smirked leaning against the broken door frame.

"What?! I didn't lie to you."

"Bullshit. You lied to me. I watched you steal that bike."

"Ew! What's with you and stalking me?"

"It's not stalking, it's more of admiring."

"Your funny."

"I think I'm more of a sexy, hot type."

"Is it Opposite Day? I think it's Opposite Day!"

"Your funny. You know that?" Anthony chuckled leaning in closer to the flustered girl.

"I get that a lot."

"Hm. So who broke your door down? And don't lie to me."

"My ex."

"What's his deal?"

"I don't know. He wants money or something. He already took the car. He wants the apartment but it's in my name."

"Are you gonna move? If he keeps coming."

"I wish. But I can't. I have no money to buy an apartment."

"Why don't you come live with me?" She thought about his question. Alex, you just met this man. Is he hot? Yes. But what if he's some psycho? She scratched her head and sighed, "Anthony, we just met-"

"Think of it as my way of helping you out, after hitting you with my car." He interrupted. "We'll be roommates."

"I don't know."

"Just think about it. Let me know, okay?" He asked touching her shoulder before leaving. She sat on the floor of her kitchen thinking. She wouldn't have to worry about her psycho ex if she moved in with Anthony, but he seemed like a player. She was lost. Why did he car so much about her? He did hit you with his car, Alex thought to herself. Her thoughts were interrupted by the voice of her ex trudging up the stairs yelling. She quickly grabbed her bag and slid out the window again, running to Anthony's house.
She repetitively knocked on the door hoping he would answer. The door swung open and Anthony smirked leaning against the door frame, "Hey roommate."

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