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"My boss is shit. My job is shit. My life is shit." Alex snapped slamming the car door shut while buckling her seatbelt. Anthony raised a brow as she handed the pink slip over.
"Shit. They fired you?" He asked as she nodded her head. "Maybe I can talk to them. It was my fault. I forgot you had work and should've woken you up. They'll understand." Shaking her head she mumbled, "It's not worth it. I'll find something. Let's just leave." Slowly pulling out of the parking lot he watched her tear the pink slip up while rolling the window down. Chucking the paper out of the window she gave the middle finger in the direction of the diner winking at Anthony, "I never liked that diner anyway." Alex liked to come off as a cocky person. As if nothing bothered her. But on the inside millions of questions were running through her head. How will I pay my share of rent? Where will I even get another job? No one is gonna hire me. It's a weird time of the year to hire someone. Why couldn't you just wake up on time. Instead you went out clubbing when you knew you had work the next day. Nice one Alex.

"Hm. Where are you thinking of working next?" He asked stopping at the red light. When he was met with silence he looked over to see her sound asleep. This is probably one of the first times in a while where she has an opportunity to sleep, he thought to himself before driving through the green light. "Damn, I felt like I slept forever but it was only five minutes." She mumbled stepping out of the car while stretching. Walking up the stairs she fumbled with keys but managed to open the door. Chad was sitting on the couch watching tv. They nodded at each other as she began to make her way to the bedroom. "How was work?" He asked and Anthony laughed "She got fired."

Belly flopping onto the bed she heard a laugh and Anthony's voice say, "Alex. Your in my room." She looked around noticing it was indeed his room and shrugged going back to sleep. "C'mon Alex." He groaned going to touch her shoulder. But the way she turned he ended up grabbing her neck. Laughing she yelled, "Are you trying to kill me? I didn't know you were kinky like that." She winked making him blush and quickly pull his hand away. Why do I get so flustered around her? Anthony thought to himself before mumbling, "Forget it." Smirking to herself, Alex snuggled into the pillows happy to get her sleep.

Picking up the empty beer bottles the band had left scattered around, Anthony whistled to himself as he began to clean the dirty dishes in the sink. He had noticed Alex hadn't come out for dinner due to the fact she was sound asleep. Making his way to his room he yawned, "Alex. You gotta go, I'm tired." He knew she was listening, but was refusing to move. Watching her lips smirk she laughed, "Hi, Tired. I'm Alex." I'm not sleeping in her room, he thought to himself. Smirking at the idea that had popped into his head he smirked crawling up next to her.

"I'm really tired so can you move? Unless you wanna do it. I'm always awake for that." He hoarsely whispered into her ear. Watching the blush creep to her face as she took off into a sprint he stifled a laugh. Hearing the door of her bedroom slam shut Anthony began laughing hysterically. Now you know how I feel around you, he thought to himself as he crawled under neath his covers.

Uh! He is so disgusting! Alex thought to herself kicking the back of the door. As if I'd ever want to do it with him, she thought to herself as she unclipped her bra and tossed it into the laundry hamper. Sighing to herself she pulled the baggy sweatshirt over her head she thought, what am I doing with my life? Hearing a light knock on the door she heard Anthony's voice through the door say, "Hey Alex, you wanna come to the studio tomorrow?"


"I don't know. I thought maybe you'd wanna hear us play?"


"My band? The Red Hot Chili Peppers...."

"Oh. I forgot you were in a band."

"Thanks, Alex. I appreciate it."

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