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"Geez. You really outdid yourselves this time." Anthony mumbled while picking up the bong and stepping over a passed out Chad and John. Sighing he lightly kicked Chad in the side, causing him to stir and slowly open his eyes before groggily asking, "What?"

"Why were you smoking pot so late last night?"

"It wasn't just John and I! Alex and Flea were doing it first before they invited us." Chad explained. Holding his temple, Anthony let out a frustrated sigh before dropping the bong and leaving Chad to sleep outside. Memories flooded in and Anthony began to realize he acted like an asshole to Alex last night. He forgot to pick her up, and then called her a bitch. Great, thanks Anthony! He thought to himself while walking into the living room. Flea was sprawled on the couch while Alex was laying face down on the floor, making him smirk and chuckle.

Why am I doing this? Anthony thought to himself as he placed Alex in her bed, and began wrapping the sheets around her clammy body.
You goofball...why are you wearing shorts and a turtleneck? He thought while sitting on the bed and playing with a string of her hair. Slowly leaning down he squinted at the slight hint of purple on her neck. Thinking it was a hickey, Anthony panicked and quickly pulled the turtle neck down to reveal a dark purple hand like bruise along her neck. Staring at the bruise for a couple minutes he began to realize no one in the house could've caused this. It was her ex. Anger and rage seeped throughout his body. Slowly pulling the turtleneck back up he quickly made his way out of the room before thinking, Alex you idiot. You should've let me go with you. He felt as if it was his fault. He left her helpless. He knew she was scared. He should've gone with the pit feeling in his stomach. He should've went to the hospital. But he didn't. And now she was hurt. He never wanted her to end up like this. Grabbing the phone on the wall in the kitchen he quickly dialed the number on the refrigerator and waited.
"Hello? I would like to speak to a patient named Jack Nichols? Yes I'll hold." Anthony softly spoke while leaning against the kitchen counter.

Meanwhile Alex was awoken by the warmth and comfort of her own bed.
"Woah. How the hell did I get in here." She yawned while rubbing the crust out of the corners of her eyes. It was now noon. She cringed at how late she had slept in. Slowly standing up she slumped into the bathroom and stared at her eyes that were as red as the devil. Sighing she slowly lifted the tip of the eye drops container to her eye and hissed feeling the burning sensation that spread faster than she had expected. Adjusting the turtleneck around her neck she made her way downstairs to hear blabbering in the kitchen. Opening the door heads immediately turned to her. The whole band sat there at the kitchen table in what looked like a deep discussion. Quickly avoiding eye contact with them she mumbled, "Don't mind me. I'm just getting some food."

"The refrigerators empty sadly." Flea pouted. Sighing to herself she replied, "Damn. I'm gonna go out then." Quickly heading up to her room, she sleeked her hair into a neat ponytail and decided to keep the clothes she was wearing on. Making her way outside she stared at Anthony who was sitting in the car waiting for her. Tapping his fingers along the wheel he smiled while waving her over. Slowly walking over to his side of the car she motioned for him to roll the window down before snapping, "What, Kiedis?"

"C'mon. I'm taking you out to eat."

"Really? You want to take a bitch like me out to eat?" She snapped.

"Alex...please. I just wanna talk."

"Fine....But I want to talk here."

"Ok...fine. Let's go talk. Somewhere private?" Anthony asked while stepping out of the car.



"Uhm. Hm. Where is somewhere private we can talk without any eavesdroppers?" She asked moving her eyes to the front window to see the rest of the band members watching intently.

"Hmm. Well probably not here is the best idea....How about my apartment? It's just probably going to be really empty since I moved all my stuff into the mansion."

"That's fine." She mumbled while sliding herself into the front passengers seat.

The car ride was quiet...Quiet and awkward. Alex didn't know what to say. Anthony didn't know what to say. The deafening silence finally ended when they reached the apartment complex.

"Geez. It's been a while since I've been here." Anthony mumbled while entering the apartment and closing the door behind him. Alex slowly walked around sitting down on the couch that had been left. He sat down next to her and sighed, "Should I start first, or-"

"You should."

"Ok. I just wanna say I'm sorry. I was drunk. I shouldn't have gone to the party."

"It was a party?!"

"Well it was a meeting until all these people started showing up..."

"You left me. At a bench for hours."

"I know and that was my fault."

"I-It was...I never should've went by myself. I was so s-scared." She turned away wiping the tears that were forcing its ways out of her eyes before continuing, "My ex woke from his coma. He was able to speak and move. I was so scared. The nurse left me with him. And he was so mean. He said mean things.....I'm such an idiot."

"Did he hurt you?" Anthony asked while staring at her. Her body was shaking. She could barely speak a sentence without stuttering. He knew the answer was yes. The bruise he saw last night. Looking into her eyes his anger began to boil as she quietly said, "No. He didn't hurt me."

He looked at the floor. Why are you telling me damn lies? He thought to himself as he dug is nails into the cushion of the couch.

"Anthony. Are you ok? I-" Alex began to say, but was cut off by Anthony quickly grabbing her face and pressing his lips against hers. Her eyes widened. She was confused. Slowly kissing back she gasped as he pulled away and yanked her turtleneck down before snapping, "What is this then? He hurt you!" Staring down at the bruise he shook his head while closing his eyes before mumbling, "Why did you lie to me?"

"I...um." Alex mumbled while turning her head. She couldn't think of anything to say. Why didn't she want to tell him?

"Alex...Look at me." Anthony said while turning her face to his.

"What..." she whispered, while staring into his eyes. She felt like she could get lost in them forever.

"I'm disappointed that you wouldn't tell me your ex hurt you. Just tell me if somethings wrong next time. Ok?"

"I can take care of myself, Anthony." She snapped.

"I know." He sighed while leaning in, and placing a softer kiss against her pink lips. Pulling away he mumbled, "But if you ever feel like your going to fall. And you feel as if you can't catch yourself. Just call my name. And I'll be there to catch you. Ok?"


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